Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumFeeling depressed
Now getting mild headaches. Ear ringing better. Still slogging thru the treatment. Its like the nightguard is trying to pull my jaw back into the good position. Have lost confidence in this dentist but prepaid and halfway thru tx. I don't deserve this.
Felt weirdpulsing on right like the muscles are pulling. Praying just get this over and its ok. No bad effects for my life over this careless asshole.
Supposed to have A FURTHER 7K work on veneers to make teeth meet in front. I don't want to give him more money frankly.
If its functional and looks ok i may pass. I'm so tired
(6,296 posts)Perhaps the procedure will turn out better than you expect.
(15,041 posts)I'm not allowed to at home
(6,296 posts)My almost ex-wife got tired of hearing me complain about stuff, mostly politics, but I could always rely on DU to channel some of my angst.
(31,625 posts)I know you want your life back.
(571 posts)And I wouldnt want to give him any more money either. I dont have any good suggestions for you, but Im on your side.
(15,041 posts)I appreciate it