Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumIn response to yesterday ( possible trigger)
I decided to make this a new post. I hope you all see,right decisions are hard.
But they need to be made.
Im Still dealing with my medical emergency also, but , seeing her today, dressed in her clothes, moving herself around with her hands in a big back wheel wheelchair ( which I never saw her do before), made for a great day.
When I first saw her at the center, I was overwhelmed with questions. The Medical Director, Nursing Director, Therapy Director, I honestly couldnt answer all the questions as fast as they were being asked.
Now, as we ( yes, we here at DU) process this journey. I see a Supreme Hand that guided me. Examples;
If I hadnt made the decision to put her in care, I wouldnt have been in a position to have help when I bled out. And she would have sat here , with a dead Koz, for how many days?
I wouldnt have the direct line to DCFW Director of Investigation in Florida who told me, we will advocate for you and her, just call me if you have a problem.
I wouldnt know that none of my immediate family wouldnt call me, as I lay in ICU, after coding, because, they had a family wedding going on.
I guess what Im saying is, Love Works!! Florida is not all about the Governor. Florida is still purple. Florida has people who still Love.
Florida, and people, in general, just need to learn love, from people like LilBit.
And Im still learning from a young woman, who teaches me daily. Even though she isnt here with me.
Love always wins, we here, know this.
Ill be ok, I have great teachers about love.
Thank you DU Family,

Beastly Boy
(11,780 posts)His name is Koz.
Thanks for posting.
Im nothing , I just did what I had to do, for love.
Beastly Boy
(11,780 posts)Do what you have to do, no matter how tempting it is to just give up and drop out.
(385 posts)It is strange to be friends with people I have never met, but your tale of woe and suffering, your heroic efforts on LilBit's behalf and the struggle to save yourself have been in my mind these many months. I know how hard it has been for you to lose and then to have to give LilBit to others to care for. I commend you Koz. You DO love, no matter how much it hurts. Bless you. May the journey be softer and kinder to you from now on. Peace
Love wins, I hope that my journey, passes this message
I just did what I had to do
(21,058 posts)You matter to us, Koz.
LilBit matters, too.
Thank you for letting us share your journey.