Does anyone know how to set up a GoFundMe?
I've had 4 lumbar back surgeries since October of 2021 with no success.
So I filed for Social Security disability in August of 23.
My first appointment with them is set for January 7th after 17 months wait. Yes I used an attorney from the start.
I started having chest pains a couple of months ago and today I had a nuclear stress test done with the bad news that the left side of my heart has "moderate to severe blood flow blockage.
Living in rural Illinois means a medical desert so I can't get a heart catheterization til January 27th even though the left side is the bad one.
This will only delay my case further as I can't even schedule a Functional Ability Assessment until my cardiac issues are resolved. (Chest pain from simple walks etc).
My finances were never good to begin with and this is making things so much worse. I'm seriously afraid that the stress of trying to find a way to pay my modest bills will kill me alone.
My monthly expenses run about $1200 a month if I make only the minimum payment on my Credit cards that I used to get by for the first several months. That debt total about $5500.00
I'm trying to survive into the summer as that seems like what would be a reasonable time frame for a decision knowing my first appointment with a SS Dr is January 7th.
I can't begin to describe the despondent feelings that are now overwhelming with this new news and I know I won't survive the agony of trying to get something paid each month when I have no idea where the money will come from.
Does anyone have any suggestions or tips that I can learn just to alleviate the near panic and anxiety that I experience more and more every month?
I get food stamps and have Medicaid but I also live in Illinois, one of the states that have trigger laws for the ACA expansion should the funding for that end.
I will be happy to share my contact information should the need arise to discuss by phone etc.
Several people have negatively commented on my writing so I apologize in advance if this is hard to read.

(15,568 posts)Can Omaha Steve help with this? Make sure you post in the lounge, too and have ppl share it
(1,387 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,568 posts)I'm old fashioned too. Maybe pm omaha steve bc i think he's set up others' gfm
Omaha Steve
(104,740 posts)The video below looks like it would be a big help with the process.
(15,568 posts)This DUer really sounds like he needs help
Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts)Here's a video on how to start a Go Fund Me page:
Again, I'm sorry and hope for the best for you.

(1,387 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)I don't know anything about setting up a gofundme account, but once it's done, please post here so we can contribute.
(1,387 posts)Honestly, my 14 y/o Petunia (cat) is the only reason I haven't just given up.
Def make one
(652 posts)When you are feeling particularly stressed, breathe in to a count of four, hold it for a count of four, breathe out for a count of eight and then hold for a count of four. Repeat a few times to calm your mind. The count for breathing out should be about twice the count for breathing in.
Unfortunately, conscious breathing doesnt make your problems go away but it can help relieve some of the panic.
Clouds Passing
(4,011 posts)Your post is well written.
I wish I had answers for you. Lack of health insurance and a potentially fatal autoimmune disease almost killed me. I was an angry afraid mess during that time. How I came out of it alive is perplexing.
Sending you energies of healing and well being. Prayers for your situation to improve. Much love and compassion,
Clouds Passing