Liver disease. And I guess it ain't gonna be cured. Thing is, physician isn't sure what it is.
It could be fibroids or it could be fatty liver. Going for blood work and an ultrasound. No symptoms, other than the distortion was picked up on a cat scan.
Anyone with similar conditions?

(34 posts)ended up as a hemangioma and is as benign as a birth mark.
good luck
(4,128 posts)silymarin milk thistle standardized extract & alpha lypoic acid can both trigger healing in the liver and can even reverse schlorosis. I know that isn't your condition. Liver disease from unknown sources is rampant. Take care.
(34 posts)CentralMass
(16,037 posts)I hadn't been feeling well and it was close enough to Mt annual physical appointment where they pulled me in. My blood work came back with very high ferritin levels and a few other things off. They sent me for an ultrasound and it showed potential fibrosis and or fatty liver. They forwarded me to a specialist the specialist said that ultrasounds are not great at definitively determining either. She sent me for a fibroscan, it is a mor focused ultrasound that has better resolution. It showed no fibrosis but dud show fatty liver. She scheduled me for an MRI. This all took months due to the pandemic. She and my primary doctor had me modify my diet and exercise. My eventual MRI confirmed fatty liver but no other issues. The latest full panel of blood work came back negative. My ferritin level had returned to norma.ll
Oh, and I took milk thistle daily.
(13,964 posts)And I hike around 15 - 20 miles per week.
(16,037 posts)have obvious symptoms.
(13,964 posts)Luckily, I have none of the symptoms of liver disease... just stuff showing up on the M.R.I.
(20,036 posts)Back in April 2021 had a cat scan to diagnose diverticulitis, they found a lumpy liver.
Diagnosed probably cirrhosis.
Went through every test (except a needle biopsy), I had a fibro scan, blood work. colonoscopy, 2 endoscopes
ultrasound ........nothing, all normal numbers, not even fatty liver.
I had to have a second and third cat scan for diverticulitis again, same thing
lumpy liver, this time the Er Dr told me I just naturally have a lumpy liver...(???)
My GI re-diagnosed it off cirrhosis of liver because they have no explanation
they said if it was cirrhosis some test would have picked up the abnormality besides the CT scan.
Go figure....
(938 posts)My husband showed an enlarged liver on an unrelated scan and since he never drank much they kept looking for a cause. Turns out to be hereditary hemochromatosis. Fairly common among those of northern European, Scottish and Irish descent. It can damage the heart and liver with vague symptoms. Solution is to remove a pint of blood a month until the levels are down. We also follow a low iron diet which is easier for vegetarians.