Lost testicle due to
Blood flow cut off during hernia repair.
Still not back to work, surgeon blamed previous hernia repair.
So, I have an appointment with a lawyer to discuss
Any advice?

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)Be sure you have all your medical records is the only thing I can suggest.
(138,720 posts)and do NOT be afraid of getting second opinions, from doctors AND lawyers. Rely on YOUR sense of logic.
(18,093 posts)It's always a risk in inguinal hernia surgery, a very low risk, but it's something I always discuss with patients prior to surgery. A recurrent hernia repair increases that risk because of scaring.
Im sorry for this struggle you're going through. If I can be of any assistance I'd be happy to help.
Then when I repeatedly called, and was seen by her nurse, was told that I had nothing to worry about.
After 4 calls/visits, they scheduled an ultrasound.
Where they found a blood starved testicle.
Oh, the pain was pretty bad.
(18,093 posts)Inguinal hernia surgeries are probably one of the more common things I deal with, and risk to the testicle is always something that should be addressed with the patient preoperatively and suspected after surgery if the patient has severe testicular pain. In my career, I've lost one testicle, and that was a huge strangulated hernia and the hernia sac had torsed the vessels before we even got in to the case.
(10,212 posts)Start writing everything down - sometimes these things take much longer than anticipated and details begin to fade over time. Good luck, please take care.
(113,131 posts)It might cost you but it is worth it.
Then contact an attorney specializing in medical malpractice. Be aware that their contingency fee is generally 30-40% of any judgment against the provider.
No one here is qualified to give you any other advice. The attorney will decide whether or not you have a case.
(5,051 posts)And he needs to have an independent look-see. I understand that this is a process.
I have a small hernia that was discovered at the ultrasound that discovered the dead testicle.
I have an appointment Monday with a different general surgeon.
I am going to have to go back to work.
I live in my truck, and have been paying 500+ per week for a long stay motel.
If he doesn't release me, I will no longer be able to pay my bills AND the hotel.
So, homeless...
I have responded to 50 or more Craigslist ads.
No one wants a guy just out of surgery.
Depression is creeping in.