Anyone watch "Unfrosted" on Netflix?
The Jerry Seinfeld movie. I watched it this afternoon and enjoyed it--so many familiar faces in there! My absolute favorite part, though, was when Jon Hamm was channeling Don Draper to present an advertising plan, and John Slattery was sitting in the room as well. Perfect!

(65,540 posts)Watched it with another Seinfeld fan who didn't even last that long and they
stopped watching it after 10 minutes.
(32,107 posts)A goofy, fun little film. Great effort by Jerry Seinfeld and Spike Ferensten.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)bamagal62
(3,808 posts)Very disappointing.
(2,821 posts)It was a silly movie, never meant to be Titanic or whatever you think a major motion picture is. Yikes, I did not read the room. Sorry y'all hated it. I guess I have much lower expectations for a Netflix movie... Lesson learned about the movie crowd...
Not Heidi
(1,496 posts)I plan to watch it again. Then to go out and buy some . . . what were they called? Tarp-pop? That's why I need to watch it again: the movie is not forgettable, but my memory is full of as many holes as there are stars in the sky.
(327 posts)Silly, yes - but he included many current comedians as key characters, and the references to Mad Men and Jan 6 were hilarious!
Many of you know that JS refused to play any character other than himself after accepting a role in some forgettable and short-lived sitcom prior to Seinfeld. He even had to be talked into doing Seinfeld by Larry David and many others, given his reticence after that first debacle.
Unfrosted is, for Seinfeld, a chance to *try* to play a character other than a New York standup comedian. To that end, it works - he's funny, seems relaxed, and has finally shed his narrow needs for authenticity. This is comedy after all, and silly comedy at that.
If silly comedy isn't your thing, that's fine, and that means this movie definitely isn't for you. But there were a lot of subtle wordplays and period references that made it fun for those of us that like this kind of thing..
(2,821 posts)There was a reference to a "bubble" that came out of the steering wheel in case of an accident--loved it. And yes he seemed not only relaxed, but like he was having fun. And "what about frosting?" "No." I guess it comes down to expectations. Insist on high-brow cinema--nope, don't bother. Have a fun sense of humor?--take 90 minutes to get a few laughs.
(28,713 posts)The "Mad Men" scenes were my favorite too & the Walter Cronkite imitation was great.
Not Heidi
(1,496 posts)I enjoyed all the performances. Amy Schumer was my favorite.
Shi... I can barely remember any of it now and I just watched it two nights ago. Gonna have to watch it again.
(2,525 posts)We just watched it and found it very enjoyable.
(4,937 posts)It was ok for a while. I quit when Amy Schumer called the little girl Cabbage Patch. The movie is set in the 60's, 20 years before CPK.
I'll pick it up again though, it wasn't that bad.