Related: About this forumFrustration and annoyance with mychart
First off, I havr a patient portal at my regular dr and use it constantly. All you had to do was go to the website and create an account.
I had a horrible test in the hospital yesterday. The tesults are in mychart. The woman who quickly sets it up left. I got a fucking brochure with skanty instructions about an app and nurse said i just need to provide an email to get some code. I downloaded the app and went to the tegular page, and theres something abt an activation code I don't have. I have no fucking clue what its talking about.
Now my sister is hounding me to tell her the results thru the portal. I don't know how to set it up. I emailed my dr about the results. I was told they'd get them. I'm so sick of this crap
The code is in some letter i wasn't given. How are older ppl supposed to navigate this stuff. I was told its "easy"

(13,964 posts)When asked, I explain that I am treated for blood pressure and patient portals raise my blood pressure
(15,547 posts)Of my SSN..
(15,547 posts)I don't have some fucking code i was supposedly given. The set up woman was gone
(65,540 posts)I know, it is frustrating.
(15,547 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,540 posts)One of them might call you back.
(343 posts)It's very hard for digital immigrants. I agree. And after I struggle to learn something new, it changes. It's a curse.
(1,050 posts)I'm inferring that the patient portal your doctor uses is not MyChart. (Please let me know otherwise.)
Check your spam/junk email folder. The activation or authorization code may have been sent there. (Apologies if you've tried this already.) If you find it but it doesn't work, that may be because it has a limited duration, for security's sake.
The next time you contact the hospital, ask for the Patient Ombudsman. The role may be named something else, but this office (often part of Patient Services) is specifically tasked with helping to resolve patient difficulties. In general, they are also the first place to go when a patient has a serious complaint about a medical provider; this helps ensure that patient care doesn't suffer. You may be able to find the Patient Ombudsman phone number in the hospital website, because it's often a required role for hospital accreditation.
When you do get access to the app, check to see whether you can grant one-time access to your test results to your sister. (That is possible on the similar app my health system uses - exporting a single test result, as a PDF.) You should also be able to grant broader access to your sister, but the fact that you wrote "hounding" implied that you might want to hold off until you know what exactly that means in this context.
Hope this helps - good luck!
(15,547 posts)And found a help number and got the results. I'm on Medicare. The bill is $4233 as of today. I'm hoping that's pre Medicare payment
(15,547 posts)I'm getting a lector on diet and stress but that i won't listen. I'm upset bc I'm having real problems and i thought it was my gallbladder
(1,050 posts)...that your test came back normal!
Anyone giving lectures to people who are stressed clearly doesn't understand how stress works.
(15,547 posts)And i was hoping it was my gallbladder. So I'm a bit upset. Bc I'm having real pain and stomach problems
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)a few years back I started having intense pain in my upper right abdomen that was 24/7. I let it go for a YEAR before getting an MRI. Nothing was wrong! Youd think Id be happy that everything was normal but I wasnt. I wanted to know what was causing my misery. I then had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and those turned out fine also. After two years the pain disappeared and Ive been fine since. Its an absolute mystery what was wrong with me. So I definitely empathize with you.
(15,547 posts)I'm disappointed the test didn't point out its my gallbladder which i was hoping
(15,547 posts)But i can't afford to live on my own. I'll be homeless. That'll be more stressful than my SO