Related: About this forum"Feminists are Sexist" - A good article on this stupid accusation
An article from a UK feminist in... 2003! Still seems pretty relevant.
"Okay, first of all let me get this bit out of the way. Despite what those anti-feminist emails accused me of, I am one of those feminists who belives that the mainstream culture does stereotype men. I do believe that Patriarchy Hurts Men Too (PHMT as it is sarcastically abbreviated by some www.msmagazine.com messageboard members probably with a eye-rolling emoticon to accompany it). And yes, Ill admit it Im one of those who believes that Feminism Benefits Men Too (FBMT as I may refer to it from now on, no eye-rolling please). Yes, I do think that stereotyping men are bad, as Ive said, again and again and again. I never said it wasnt.
"My point is that feminists are not biological determinists. Feminists are the least likely people to say all men are bastards. Some of them might say many men behave like bastards. But they dont imply that such behaviour is acceptable because its genetic or natural for men to behave that way, like those arguments defending rapists which imply that men are really all just stupid cavemen who cant be blamed when they rape because, hey, men just cant help it when they see someone in a mini skirt. Feminists dont write books about how men are genetically incapable of picking up an iron. Feminists dont write books about how men are from another planet, one where men have to be left in their cave because they just dont have proper emotions like women do. Thats because actually, feminists think men should be treated as fully functional human beings with brains and morals who should be held responsible for the choices they make. If I was a man, Id rather have that than the shallow and insulting implication that men cant help it because theyre naturally stupid. If I was a man, I know which Id find most offended by. If I was a man, I know whod Id accuse of man-hating. And yes, yes, for the hundredth time YES, feminists disapprove of advertisements that stereotype men as ignorant buffoons. These ads are nothing more than macho caricatures which, as Holly Combe said to me recently, make fools of men, whilst simultaneously making excuses for them.
"Im sick to the back teeth, sick and tired, of feminists being accused of sexism and hypocrisy unless we spend exactly half of our time and resources pointing out every instance of how patriarchy hurts men too. Gay rights activists arent expected to spend half their time campaigning for heterosexuals. Anti-racism activists arent expected to spend ages campaigning on behalf of white people. Yet its a different story with feminism, isnt it? The most infuriating thing about this is that as regular readers will know I do think that feminism is important for men as well as women and I encourage both men and women to critique mainstream masculinity as well as femininity. But that doesnt mean that I think that every single instance of feminist activism has to be prefaced with a disclaimer about how this also benefits men. Frankly, Im getting a little bored of it. I believe it strongly, but theres only so many times I am forced to repeat it before it gets a little wearing and I start to wonder why I have to keep doing it in the first place.
"Its something that I wasnt really aware of until recently, but Im starting to notice this phenomenon more and more. The Anti Street Harassment UK group was asked to change the wording of their mission statement to erase the word women in favour of people (they didnt). At a Cambridge Union debate on feminism which I attended as a guest, Kristin Aune described in detail the ways in which women are still being held back in society, and the atmosphere in the room immediately became uncomfortable people were shifting in their seats; they simpy didnt want to hear it. Later, one of the students, in retort, listed a load of bad things which happen to men he got an emphatic round of applause. Yet Kristin never said that this wasnt the case; she simply described things which were happening to women but seemingly focusing on women is obviously some kind of terrible faux pas in modern society. We cant refer to women, we have to refer to people which includes men, which therefore makes it okay. What this implies is that things that happen to women are only worth getting upset about if they happen to men too. Then its okay, because its a people issue, not an embarassing womens issue."
Catherine Redfern, 19 September 2003
Full article: https://www.thefword.org.uk/2003/09/feminists_are_sexist/?skin=print
A side thought I also had: some of the white patriarchal response to feminism is also seen in the white patriarchal response to civil rights. Ms. Redfern notes that turning "women's" issues into "people" issues implies that "things that happen to women are only worth getting upset about if they happen to men too." This made me think of the insistent backlash/response to the Black Lives Matter movement with "ALL Lives Matter" -- as if the specific struggles of black people were only worth getting upset about if we acknowledged that bad things happen to whites, too.

Response to Beartracks (Original post)
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