Related: About this forumWhy are the people in the White House so sure
Porter would not hit the President, Kelly or co-worker?
The statements "he was so good at his job" really make an assumption that he would not lose control, hit the President, hit the Chinese ambassador or otherwise go bezerk. Yet ... the FBI does not give clearance to wife beaters. The FBI is a bastion if male dominance so I believe their red flags for wife abuse are based in some science ... wife beating may lead to violence in workplace or in society.
Setting aside morality, which everyone who had prior knowledge of porter's wife beating has done, how are porter's defenders SO CERTAIN he posed no threat? Either in their experience, wife beaters have a specific rage towards women and not other humans ... or ... the or fails me. You have to see women as not human or not equal humans to let any of his behavior slide. You must say "Yea, it's only women he hits or just women he sleeps with."
I am continually amazed about what I don't know about women haters.

(24,655 posts)Just like he hates all minorities, the poor, and any law that might apply to him.
(18,137 posts)self control. They may hit their children but friends, co-workers, and neighbors are rarely a target. Battering isn't about a loss of control or anger management problems. It's about a deep need to control their intimate partner. They are a security risk because they engage in illegal behavior which makes them vulnerable to blackmail.
(15,234 posts)That is why women who might become his partners should be warned about him.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)one of his Ex-wives TV Interview yesterday. She said something to the effect that Porter hit her one time and she blamed it on the OXY he was taking after having Cosmetic Surgery.
Okayyyyyyy,that tells me a whole story about and all one needs to know about Mr. Porter. Talk about a Ego,and a major personality flaw. That's why Donnie Dipstick loves this Slug. Similar traits?
(23,208 posts)I used to provide shelter (safe-house) for abused women... it is not so much about hating the women... it is more about something in the man and very complex emotions are involved... the threat isn't violence towards a person in the White House... it is about potential blackmail or other character flaws that may develop...
Profile of an Abuser/Batterer:
Jealousy (questioning her constantly about whereabouts, and jealous of time she spends away from him).
Controlling behavior (Ive had clients whos victim couldnt get a job, leave the house or bathe without his permission)
Isolation (Makes partner move away from family and friends so that she depends on him solely for support.)
Forces her to have sex against her will (Ive had several clients who forced their partners to have sex with their friends and forces sex when she is asleep.)
Holds very rigid gender roles (Believes that her job is just to cater to him, he is the king of the castle.)
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