Related: About this forumConservatives lose their minds over "Barbie" movie calling it "psychological grooming"
...A July 10 post on conservative Christian film site Movieguide warns parents not to take their daughters to see the film. The post, which is credited to the sites staff and notes that a full review of Barbie will be available soon, accuses the filmmakers of forgetting their core audience of families and children while catering to nostalgic adults and pushing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender character stories. It is unclear whether the posts authors have actually seen Barbie.
In his mostly incoherent review for conservative outlet National Review, Armond White criticized Gerwigs obnoxious social messaging. While White did not directly address any LGBTQ+ themes, characters, or performers in the film, he mainly took issue with the films hipsterism, arguing that Gerwig should have focused on the special feeling that females might know the fulfilling, personal escape into free femininity, childbearing, family, homemaking, and romance that should be the essence of a Barbie movie. Incredibly, he also described Rae and co-star America Ferrera as diversity hires.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and wife Ginger weighed in on the film after attending a special screening on Monday. Among Gingers complaints about the film were its failure to address faith or family and Disappointingly low T from Ken. Meanwhile, her congressmember husband responded to a tweet criticizing him for attending the screening of a movie where Doctor Barbie is played by a Trans actor.
Oh for fuck's sake! These people would get angry at dolphins for not acting dolphin enough! They already condemn light becoming a rainbow through a prism.

Ocelot II
(123,538 posts)LOL, haven't they ever seen a naked Ken doll? There's a reason for his low T...
(17,633 posts)Well, ok, if thats how he rolls.
But I'm fine with ken either way as long as the barbster likes him.
(65,540 posts)Along with the wife he only married to cover up his underage sex and drug parties.
(108,317 posts)I'm not interested in the movie (already bought my tickets to Oppenheimer, however) so I just haven't read about the controversy.
Can someone please tell me what the big deal is (or what the RWers are trying to make it out to be) in a few sentences?
Thank you. I normally don't advocate willful ignorance, but I admit to having adopted it on this issue.
(15,888 posts)Movie bad for not Christian enough. Also, Black other people in it.
(108,317 posts)thanks.
(15,888 posts)Did you read the article?
(108,317 posts)multigraincracker
(35,071 posts)Lovie777
(17,242 posts)RWers lose their minds over anything.
ms liberty
(10,026 posts)God what morans.
I have tickets to see Oppenheimer tomorrow. I can't remember the last movie I saw in a theater.
(47,997 posts)OK Groomer