Incoming! Watch out, Peter Beinart is Fighting the Good Fight (again)
Peter Beinart backed the US invasion of Iraq. He called it ‘the Good Fight’ and wrote a 2006 book about how the war would ‘Make America Great Again’, end the ‘war on terror’ and bring democracy to the Middle East. In 2021, in his essay ‘Teshuva: A Jewish Case for Palestinian Refugee Return,’ he has proposed another massive experiment in social engineering and state building in the Middle East. Joshua Brook, an attorney and former aide to the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, argues that while Beinart has travelled far politically since 2006 he has learned little: he is still focused on moral simplicities while ignoring political complexities. He conflates Palestinian moral claims with legal rights, Palestinian historical memory with possible political solutions and the result is a simplistic, unworkable and dangerous proposal that does not advance Palestinian statehood one inch.