Toronto: Five biggest transit myths
from NOW Toronto:
Five biggest transit myths
Another year, another TTC budget that embraces the public transit status quo. We should be fielding bold proposals, yet politicians keep operating under a host of misconceptions.
By Adam Giambrone
Myth #1: The only way to improve service is big, flashy expansion projects.
While expansion is important, the city has demonstrated in the past that with concerted effort and modest funding increases in the range of the low millions per year, the existing system can be made to carry many more people through better route management, and more buses, streetcars and trains at peak and off-peak times.
Creative measures like parking and turn restrictions, better crowd management and information at peak times and express buses also have a proven track record.
The proof is in the ridership numbers: through service improvements and other factors, TTC ridership has increased by more than 160 million riders in the last 10 years more riders than the proposed new LRTs and subways will bring when completed in 15 years.
Myth #2: We can continue to neglect the system for the sake of keeping taxes low.
The real underlying risk to the TTC is long-term substantial government underfunding of basic maintenance. The growing repair backlog is risking the systems continued operation. .........................(more)
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