I was frugal today and I think it will increase my overall energy efficiency..
Hit the thrift store/flea market circuit today and got several items that will allow me to save energy.
The first was a really big afghan for my bed, bright colors and in excellent shape, another layer on the bed will allow me to turn down the heater even more at night and still stay warm.
I also got a lightweight insulated pair of black bib overalls in windstop nylon, nice and flexible will allow me to keep it cooler in the daytime if energy becomes a problem. A pair of Hush Puppy type half boots to keep my feet nice and warm in the house too, much more comfortable than the sneakers I've been wearing and nearly new.
Total spent: $16.00
Time to save that much, probably a couple of months max, after that it's all lagniappe.

Little Star
(17,055 posts)I had to use a dictionary to find out what lagniappe meant. lol
(18,219 posts)Feels so good!!! And you are right, in no time at all, it is all laniappe.
(Laniappe!!!! Where did THAT comes from!?!? Although I compliment you on knowing a word like that, and using it properly in a sentence. I had no f**king idea what it was.)
(146,218 posts)Great word (and spelled lagniappe, FWIW)
(45,851 posts)Coldest night yet so far this year, I kept only one space heater going at half power, woke up this morning and it was 45 degrees in my home. Previously I would have been freezing my keister off but with my new afghan the doggies and I were quite comfortable.
Next up on my to-do list, a switch I can reach from the bed to turn the rest of the heat on before I have to get out from under the covers..