Revealed: US climate denial group working with European far-right parties (from The Guardian)
Climate science deniers from a US-based thinktank have been working with rightwing politicians in Europe to campaign against environmental policies, the Guardian can reveal.
MEPs have been accused of rolling out the red carpet for climate deniers to give them a platform in the European parliament, amid warnings of a revival of grotesque climate denialism.
The Heartland Institute, which has links to the Trump administration and has drawn on funding from companies including ExxonMobil and wealthy US Republican donors, has seized on a time when rightwing anti-climate action sentiment has been surging, and has set up a new European base in London.
After setting up its base in London this December, the institute boasted in a newsletter to its members about its unprecedented footprint in Europe. It wrote: In our role as gadfly, we have helped foment dissent and encouraged and publicised protests against higher energy taxes, climate restrictions, and wind and solar subsidies.