Related: About this forumGoal--public school privatization. Tactic--take over school board, fire superintendent.
US Public education is under attack by dark money billionaires who want to control the curriculum and harvest all those delicious tax dollars for themselves. Locally, one incumbent (a pal of Steve Bannon's) and two new Sarasota FL school board members were endorsed by Proud Boys and Moms for Bigotry, and campaigned for by DeSATAN himself, in person. The new members replaced sane, brave, caring board members who endured horrible abuse during COVID over support of masking in schools--now their rational voices are gone, replaced by conservative ideologues.
Within minutes of being sworn in the newly conservative board voted 4-1 to fire the public school supervisor (one lone non-ideologue remains on the board). The motion to terminate the supervisor's contract was made by a conservative member who had graded the Super as "effective" 21 days before moving to fire him.
A fearless local group called "Support Our Schools" has been warning about this use of school kids as political pawns in the GOP quest for profit and thought control for at least a year--that's when a big corporate charter school business tried to make inroads in the county. Now they have organized a rally to support the Supervisor. But the area has become a hotbed of MAGA morons. And with DeSATAN authoritarian one-party controlled state government, it's a constant battle.
Other states and communities need to be aware that those who want the destruction of PUBLIC education are playing a long game, with plenty of money to support their cause. Profit is their ultimate goal, our kids are their pawns in this con, and they are relentless.

(17,757 posts)tanyev
(45,652 posts)their precious darlings so they wouldn't be exposed to the "toxic" influence of public schools? That was never going to be enough for them and now here we are.
(43,474 posts)- Media Matters, 11.21..According to a recent report by the UnKoch My Campus campaign on ultra right think tanks and critical race theory, the Heritage Foundation and other groups have used their influence to generate and spread talking points, briefed state and federal legislators on model policy, and attempted to generate grassroots mobilization against local school districts.
The resources for parents page on Moms for Libertys website is almost exclusively composed of links to the Heritage Foundation. The page first directs parents to a Heritage Action for America guide to filing an open records request. Next, the page directs parents to the Leadership Institute -- an organization run by Morton Blackwell, who received the Heritage Foundations Titan of Conservatism Award. The Heritage Foundations website is listed as the next resource. After that, the Heritage Foundations guide to the Constitution is listed.
The Heritage Foundation has spent much of 2021 using scare tactics to boost opposition to CRT, publishing commentary, reports, and even a legislation tracker on the issue...