I'm seeing growing uneasiness in the markets
We're getting days that just drift slightly, and far too many where the action
is over in 50 minutes
Seesaw volatility
Where do you go for market recaps at the end of the day? I ditched Yahoo! Finance
due to all the ads. Bloomberg is more libertarian than it once was, and Marketwatch
has good articles. I find MSNMoney lightweight.

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)First take away,the Guy does not have a clue as to how our World Works. Secondly,appears he called on planted questions. Thirdly,the NATO leader looked very uneasy watching and listening to Trump. Fourthly,this POS will get us into a unretrackable Military action and it is not going to be pretty. Fifthly,this Guy is writing checks he will never be able to cash.
(27,427 posts)since last November. I would not consider a one percent or less change to be seesaw volatility. I'm also not trying to time the market in any way. I have money in what I a range of investments, which is considered to be the most sensible thing.
And I don't feel as if I need a daily market recap, although I appreciate that you must feel quite different.
(49,131 posts)The market is dealing with a long run of success, asset prices that are no longer
cheap, and global political uncertainty. Pharma, metals, and oil move some, but
it's one day up, one day down. Retail sector is slammed this year.
(24,742 posts)where they begin to "climb a wall of worry"
Check out Reuters for market news.