Career Help and Advice
Related: About this forumAm I being jerked around regarding a specific job opportunity?
Several weeks ago, a recruiter got me an interview at a company within a decent commuting distance, doing pretty much exactly what I was doing in my last job. The last job was kind of an unusual "wears many hats" position, so it was unlikely that I'd find anything quite like it, but this job was a close match.
Anyway, after the interview I called the recruiter and he told me that they said that they loved me. I was exactly what they were looking for. I just had to meet with one other person but that was mostly a formality. This was a Friday and he told me that they were going to get back to him early the following week to set up the last interview.
The new week started and I heard nothing. After several days I contacted the recruiter to see what was up. He told me he'd contact them and get back to me.
A day or two later the recruiter called me and asked if I had a problem with a contract to hire situation (it was originally going to be direct hire). I told him that I was willing to do that and he said that he'd get back to me.
A day or two later, I contacted the recruiter again to see what was up. He said that they were taking time to draw up a contract. At this point I started to worry. A few days later I contacted him again and he told me that the company's hiring manager told him that upper management had declared that the company was not hiring anyone for anything right now.
Today I got my usual job alerts email from listing jobs that match my skills. Included on the list was the job I had interviewed for at the company that I had interviewed at. The posting date was a few days ago; weeks after I had interviewed for it.
I emailed the link to the recruiter and then called him. He said something like "oh, I thought you might run across that. We saw it the other day. It must be an accidental automatic repost of the job. I'll call them to double check what's going on." I haven't heard back from him yet.
Does the story I'm being told make any sense? What's the point of an "automatic repost" which apparently consists of simply updating the posting date? I had originally learned of the job through the recruiter, so I have no idea if it was on Dice before or not.
I don't know why they would string me along like that, then tell me that they're not hiring right now, then repost the job; so maybe the accidental auto-repost is the truth, but the whole thing seems odd to me. Also, as of right now, the job is still on Dice. If the recruiter called them about it this morning like he said he was going to, wouldn't they have then realized the mistake and taken it down? I should add that the posting is for a full time position with benefits, not a contract.
Am I being paranoid? If they didn't want to hire me, why not just say that I'm wrong for the job? Are they running some kind of H-1B scam with fake interviews?
(15,882 posts)then that came and went, and you called me and I said I was selling off some stuff to raise the money, and then the next week you saw me test driving your neighbors car, which is not as nice as yours but a thousand bucks cheaper, would you be asking the same question?
Some recruiters are nothing but pimps, they just want the commission, and couldn't sell your soul to the devil. And some employers are the devil. I personally think, (and this is only my uninformed, very distant internet-based, opinion from hearing your side) they are just playing you, looking around, or maybe they weren't serious in the first place. They may have someone working there who was looking for a raise and you were a pawn, or...?.
But you have to make up your own mind. And maybe find another recruiter. I've done that before, it wasn't pretty, but I got offered a better job. Then again, that was nearly a lifetime ago.
Regardless, none of that stuff would happen if they were serious and wanted you to work. And you need work, perhaps badly, and don't want to admit to yourself that you are a smart cookie and know exactly what is going on. Automatic re-post my ass.
Or I could be just too old and cynical, and wrong. Again.
Good luck!!
(16,230 posts)None of it makes any sense to me.
Even if they're playing me; why? What was the point in stringing me along, then asking if I'd accept contract for hire, then telling me they're working on the contract, then telling me that they're not hiring at all right now. Who gains from doing that?
Is the recruiter screwing with me and lying to me for some reason? Is the company screwing with both the recruiter and me?
Obviously I'm not waiting around to see if the company starts hiring again (if they ever really stopped). I'm still looking for work, but I've been looking for months and this was the first company that showed any real interest. I was given the impression that I was very likely going to be hired, then strung along, then told they weren't hiring. That was quite a kick in the teeth as my savings are rapidly being depleted and I thought that I had found work.
(15,882 posts)Or maybe thought they would see if whatever candidate could be bargained down. Lots of possible scenarios. Maybe they have trouble being direct. I doubt it is personal, even if it feels like it. And the recruiter is just working on commission, so I doubt they want anything except to sell you to someone.
I really do feel for you, and I know what struggle is. And yes, this is a kick in the teeth, but the problem is not you, and you know that, I hope.
All we can do is the best we can with what we have, however, and try for something else. I live in Forbes worst city to get a job in 2012, and 4 years from Social Security<G>. So unless you are in Eastern Washington you are probably better situated, even if you have to go outside of your field or even take something crappy or for less.
What are you looking for, and, generally, what geographic area? I have seen more than one person at least get a tip or even offer here, just by mentioning that here.
(16,230 posts)I know that the interview went well and that I'm exactly what they need - I was there at the interview after all.
Certainly they could have found somebody better, but then why the games? Why string me along? Companies usually just say that they found a candidate who was a better fit for the position. My sense is that the recruiter strung me along for some reason.
I'm in the Philadelphia area and I'm looking for software development work. My most recent skills are web development using the LAMP stack along with Javascript and JQuery. I can also do desktop development. I'd also consider IT support since that was a big part of my last position, which included both development and IT support.
(18,606 posts)drm604
(16,230 posts)Why do you ask?
(18,606 posts)...a recruiter may know that you're the best for the spot but if they're doing contract to hire, they may be trying to talk another candidate who will work for less or for some reason nets the recruiter more cash.
They'll keep making both you and their client wait while trying to push others resumes/candidates. You are always best served by continuing to pursue other options. Every week to 10 days tell the recruiter you have an interview pending and ask if there's any progress.
(16,230 posts)Maybe I should contract the employer directly. I wonder if there's some appropriate way to do that.
(18,606 posts)Many recruiters have agreements with their clients as agents for the candidates they represent. If you go around the recruiter, they may shut you out and blackball you with the company.
(16,230 posts)drm604
(16,230 posts)The recruiter emphasized to me that I should not discuss salary and should instead refer any such questions to him. That does make it seem like they may be acting behind my back.
(18,606 posts)drm604
(16,230 posts)With IT, HR, and two other people, all at the same time. I wish that I could remember all of their names.
(18,606 posts)...they have another candidate who is preferred over you either by the client or by the recruiter.
As I said if short circuit the agency, you may be blackballed altogether.
(16,230 posts)then why are they recruiting for the position on Dice?
(18,606 posts)drm604
(16,230 posts)I found all kinds of complaints. Apparently they've operated under numerous names, changing their name whenever they get caught in unethical behavior. There are complaints from recruits and complaints from former employees of the recruiting firm. I think there is definitely a problem here, especially considering the way they strung me along and the fact that they are still advertising for the position.
I'm seriously considering contacting the employer directly to see what is really going on, but I'm hesitant to do so. Is there some proper way to pursue my suspicions without being seen as acting unethically or unprofessionally?
(16,230 posts)I was being manipulated and lied to.
I contacted the employer directly and they said that there is no hiring freeze and they had no idea why the recruiting agency would have said that. They also said that they had decide to do their own recruiting without an agency.
I responded that I was still interested in the position and that I would drop the agency (since it was dishonest anyway) and negotiate with them directly if they were interested.
(16,230 posts)They want me to come in for another interview. So it looks like I handled it properly.