Inside the Historic Amazon Union Vote: 'I Think This Will Be Like a Fire Starter'
Currently, 5,800 Bessemer warehouse workersmany of whom are Black and womenare voting on whether they want to become the first U.S. Amazon employees to unionize, a groundbreaking moment that could set off a domino effect of organizing across the company. Below, in her own words, Bates shares how her co-workers got hereand what theyre still fighting for.
That first week at the Amazon warehouse was rough. My sister, who worked there before me, told me it would get worse. But I hung in there. I thought maybe I was just too new at the job. I thought maybe it would get better.
But as time went on I realized that wasnt going to happen.

OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)And it is in Amazon's long term interests to embrace and support Unions. We are a consumer based economy and Amazon's future is having Amazon customers having a basic income level that can keep Amazon profitable.
(7,003 posts)Collective bargaining is in everyones' best interest.
I hope they make it happen.
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)No one who works there should make less than $50/hour with benefits including a generous pension. It's called redistributing the fucking wealth to the people without whom there'd be none.
(35,733 posts)but the merchandise can use the elevator
and ten hour work days and two 30 minute breaks
and then thinking about those stories that came out a few yrs ago where delivery drivers were using pee jars in the truck b/c there was no time to stop somewhere and use a fucking toilet!
but the fact that people can order their crap and get it the next day is too enticing to get people to even consider slowing down their purchases from amazon (the me-me-mes; let them pee in their vans, let them climb up and down stairs all day, let them not rest--who cares as long as i get my shit tomorrow)
i hope this union comes about and spreads everywhere amazon does business