STOCK MARKET WATCH: Friday, 26 January 2024
STOCK MARKET WATCH: Friday, 26 January 2024
Previous SMW:
SMW for 25 January 2024

AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 25 January 2024
Dow Jones 38,049.13 +242.74 (0.64%)
S&P 500 4,894.16 +25.61 (0.53%)
Nasdaq 15,510.50 +28.58 (0.18%)

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Gold & Silver:
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Quote for the Day:
This is probably the most important contribution we can make, for even if Donald Trump disappeared tomorrow, the millions of people who made him president would be ready to make someone else similar president instead. Their steadfast backing of Trump is understandable on the surface because he has delivered much of what he promised. But he has failed to give them much else that he guaranteed them, even when he had the wind at his back and open seas with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress. Yet his base forgives all.
John W. Dean; Bob Altemeyer. Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers. Melville House. © 2020.
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