STOCK MARKET WATCH: Tuesday, 7 November 2023
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday, 7 November 2023
Previous SMW:
SMW for 6 November 2023

AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 6 November 2023
Dow Jones 34,095.86 +34.54 (0.10%)
S&P 500 4,365.98 +7.64 (0.18%)
Nasdaq 13,518.78 +40.50 (0.30%)

Gold & Silver:


Quote for the Day:
Nazism, like any revolutionary movement, attempted to capture the new generation and rally it to the cause. The movement stressed youth, at the expense of the older generation, which might still harbor vestiges of liberalism or even socialism. Education, therefore, can show us the principal application of the cultural impetus within the Third Reich. The Nazis did make changes in the school system, though the federal structure of the Reich made this difficult at first. Until the individual states were abolished, Prussia was the laboratory for much of this change. High schools specializing in natural science and a non-classical curriculum were put on the same footing as the ancient and prestigious Gymnasia. The Nazis attempted to unify the school system, as they "meshed the gears" of all other activities in the Third Reigh.
George L. Mosse. Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich. University of Wisconsin Press. © 1965.
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