Should there be a sanity test for Congress critters?
Should there be a sanity test for Congress critters?
OpEdNews Op Eds 10/30/2013 at 13:54:58
By Jim Hightower
What a show the goofily-fanatical tea party Republicans are putting on in Washington!
First, they threw a group hissy fit to force a costly, embarrassing, and entirely-unwarranted shutdown of the national government of our USofA. That was strange enough, but then a gaggle of the goofballs cranked their shtick all the way up to code-red bizarre by throwing a series of staged tantrums when they learned that the government they had shut down was, in fact, shut down.
I know you don't have to be smart or logical to be in Congress, but surely a lawmaker ought to be more tightly-wrapped than this bunch. One thing that really worked them into a shrieking frenzy was that national parks and monuments were closed. This led to the spectacle of a House committee hauling in the director of national parks to berate him mercilessly for five hours, demanding to know why the parks were closed.
He should've just held up a mirror, but -- like the good career park ranger he is -- Director Jon Jarvis patiently tried to explain the obvious to the congress critters in front of him: They had voted to shutter the federal government; national parks are a part of the government; Congress took away the money to staff the nation's 401 parks and monuments; so they were closed.
unhappycamper comment: This is how I view Republicans: