Related: About this forumI was wondering what everyone's thoughts on Robert Kennedy, Jr. running for Prez.
Polls are showing he has high approval ratings - higher than Biden or Trump.
Is his anti-vac stand the only reason most Democrats would not vote for

(34,224 posts)I can't believe he's higher than Pres Biden.
(12,909 posts)GP6971
(34,224 posts)1500 people and the poll ending on the 13th...questionable at the very best.
RFK Jr is a Class A jerk and I'll leave it at that.
(6,683 posts)Out of touch with reality.
Response to YDogg (Reply #2)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(124,918 posts)And it will kill children to not Vax them and kill everyone else if another pandemic happens on his watch. He is anti-science. He is dangerous.No wonder Steve Bannon recruited him. He has trauma and vaccine bulls*** going through his brain and would be easy to manipulate. Notice how the GOP did not make a big deal in Congress about cuting thet science behind vaccines in the budget? They want vaccines developed, they just don't want most regular people to take them.
(45,728 posts)applegrove
(124,918 posts)Last edited Sun Jun 18, 2023, 01:06 PM - Edit history (1)
(45,728 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)unc70
(6,365 posts)All sorts of unhinged conspiracy theories. Also things like his heroin arrest.
No and Hell NO!
Ocelot II
(123,538 posts)Being an anti-vaxxer is enough of a reason, though; it's a dangerous, anti-science position and as far as I'm concerned it's disqualifying.
And where are these polls that show he has higher approval ratings than Biden or Trump?
(12,909 posts)Ocelot II
(123,538 posts)"some 21% of respondents didnt offer an opinion on Kennedy, far greater than the single-digit figures posted by Trump and Biden." If more than one-fifth of the respondents didn't have an opinion about him at all, the favorable numbers are meaningless.
(4,350 posts)patricia92243
(12,909 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)damage Biden and help Trump win. Hes unacceptable. The Kennedy family does not support his run.
(83 posts)Bluepinky
(2,369 posts)vlyons
(10,252 posts)Claims that vaccines cause autism has been discredited. I'm 100% for Joe Biden, who has demonstrated over and over that he can get things done and is a decent human being.
(28,713 posts)Last edited Sat Jun 17, 2023, 10:55 PM - Edit history (1)
and do not agree with RFK Jr's stance on several issues, including vaccines.
And for me, you can toss in his association with Steve Bannon. That should tell anyone all they need to know about him.
Response to dflprincess (Reply #18)
applegrove This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to applegrove (Reply #20)
dflprincess This message was self-deleted by its author.
(28,713 posts)And then I promptly added a post in the wrong place as you can see from my self-deletion.
(124,918 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)Although far too many people in this country are now ignorantly anti-vaccines. Sigh.
(10,593 posts)He is NOT what they were. He is a major departure from those two men. He is certainly does not appear to be as intelligent as they were.
I do not align with his policies. I think his position on vaccines has been damaging.
That he would have a photo op or anything to do with Steve Bannon crushes his candidacy with me forever.
One can be judged by the company they keep.
I could say more but do not care to waste my time on him.
(5,126 posts)But that position comes with more and more baggage and he's drifting farther and farther right.
(5,877 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,540 posts)He's nothing.
(7,309 posts)Strange...
(9,040 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)And right before this a fear mongering thread:
(Paraphrasing). Ignore RFK Jr at your own risk. 🙄
Okay I will.
(1,108 posts)But if his game plan is to help Trump as suggested in this thread, then he could do some serious damage if he runs as a third party candidate.
(83 posts)no_hypocrisy
(50,568 posts)his siblings, his cousins.
All Kennedys are not alike.
(23,357 posts)ificandream
(11,057 posts)Big fan of the Kennedys. I lived there during the JFK years. I also worked for RFK Sr.'s presidential campaign, which, I think was my first venture into doing political stuff (I was still a teen.), and saw RFK at a campaign stop the night before he was shot. Also saw Teddy, too. Despite what has been written in some circles since about them since, the Kennedys were (and I believe) still are loved there. The fact that RFK Jr. is what he is makes me sick.
p.s. We used to spend summers on the Cape and I always wanted to visit Hyannisport where the Kennedy compound was, but we never did. Sigh.