Apple Users
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(45,728 posts)has legitimacy or not.
(11,971 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)Remember all the Very Definite Claims By Very Important Analysts in the 90s that Apple is going out of business any day now in spite of the fact that the company was extremely solvent and had tones of cash on reserve?
Total bullshit.
Thanks for the blast from the past.
(11,971 posts)Steve Jobs and Bill Gates show eliminating competition isnt the only way to win
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates rivalrous friendship is the stuff of tech lore. The most poignant moment of that fraught relationship happened 20 years ago. In August of 1997, Gates stepped in and saved Apple, which, at the time, was on the brink of bankruptcy.
Bill, thank you. The worlds a better place, Jobs told Gates after the Microsoft exec agreed to make a $150 million investment in Apple.
(45,728 posts)Bottom line it was a deal that benefited both companies.
But the claims Apple was on the brink of bankruptcy was a bit of an exaggeration, as Apple was sitting on tons of cash reserves.
Have a great week!
(8,608 posts)ItsjustMe
(11,971 posts)Apples getting sued for having a monopoly on the iPhones tap-to-pay
Apple liable for millions in unpaid wages after court rules retail worker bag checks illegal
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