Apple Users
Related: About this forumFirefox went ahead and upgraded me to 20.0 and now all is screwed up
Every time when I start it, I am faced with a window "apologizing" and offering to restore the previous window.
And the previous one will not be Yahoo, or DU home, but an actual story.
I went to the Firefox support page and someone already asked about it and their suggestions - I am not willing to even start. Like using "safe mode?"
One suggestion was to remove and install Firefox again which I don't mind. Not sure how to remove it: go to my application folder and drag it to the trash?
Perhaps it is time to ditch Firefox and utilize Safari full time. Yes, I am used to Firefox but can handle Safari. Or, a friend is using Chrome.
I have been using computers since the 80s. Main frame at work, Osborne at home. And my approach has always been that the computers ought to serve me, not the other way around.
I will appreciate any suggestions.

(53,661 posts)Even then, it rearranged the menu. I wanted to get another youtube downloader add-on with Firefox when they changed their codes. There is a new one, but it doesn't work on my old version, so I have blown that off.
My only advice is, toss out the new one, reinstall the old, and go to a website, which posted them here in answer to a question, and work your way up with updates until you find a Firefox version that does what you want it to do.
Safari doesn't have half the versatility that Firefox does, and I don't know if Chrome works as well, either. Good luck whatever you decide.
question everything
(49,737 posts)but how would I find an old version?
If I just go to Firefox sites, all they have, it seems, is 20.0. Unless a new 20.0 will be OK..
(53,661 posts)question everything
(49,737 posts)See you in the other side.
Edit: OK, I am back with FF 19.0 and so far so good.
Thanks a lot. Now will have to be sure that it does not automatically upgrade me to 20.0.
(53,661 posts)It won't come in your Apple updates either, which I also don't allow to automatically do, either. I always read them and see if I need them.
Very glad to hear that 19 is working for you. BTW, what version did you upgrade from?
question everything
(49,737 posts)Before 20 I had 19.0.2 Funny, I asked another question on this forum about not having Adobe and said that I was using 19.0.2 and next thing I know - I am on 20.
Thanks for suggesting the preferences. I selected: notify me about upgrade but let me decide.
I saw someplace that as recently as last summer Firefox was on 13!. Surely has been updating like crazy.
(53,661 posts)It was losing functions and I went back to where I was. At that time people were screaming about losing their bookmarks, etc. A while back my Firefox wouldn't do anything, and then after a restart of the computer it went back to working. I don't know what I did to it. But I'd been emptying the caches and deleting cookies, etc. and it didn't fix it there for a few days. Aggravating. No problems now. Thanks.
(15,481 posts)question everything
(49,737 posts)At some point you realize that many of your programs and websites are no longer "compatible" with your computer.
Used to be that Mac would weather all these. I remember PCers would go from 286 to 386 to 486 every year and I felt secure in my old Mac SE (before logging into the Wide World Web became routine). No longer.
(15,481 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)It is becoming harder to do things, as I don't tweet or do Facebook, don't have any mobile apps or wireless devices except my old cellphone. Sigh.
(15,481 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)Well, except Vimeo (which I'd downloaded an application to make it work but it never did) and since I run NoScript to stop advertisements with Obama-hating (subliminal) images, polls, etc, I can see Twitter pages and Tweets and Facebook by allowing them.
I have my firewall set high and let them through on a case by case basis. It makes the pages load faster. Sometimes when DU is slowing from traffic, I go directly to youtube and allow them and it works fine.
What's wrong with the email?
(15,481 posts)if I type quickly, the email gets sent right in the middle of a word. It has caused major embarrassments. no spell check. no edit. not even finished sentences.
i have to remember to only type drafts without the name of the person, then edit.
Time for a new operating system , and everything that comes with it (all new software., and computer.. I'm just procrastinating for as long as possible.
(53,661 posts)I've gone through the older Mac, the ones with the monitor and the floppy discs to the 'It comes in colors' monitor and CPU all in one package.
Then went to one of the first iMacs on a pedestal with the more squared screen than the current elongated iMac desktop. That style aggravates me so I've decided to upgrade this one.
They only had 250G when I bought it, but when the HD went down suddenly, and of course it was past the Applecare protection program, and I had not backed up despite having a 250G MyBook, I just freaked.
Fortunately someone sent me to a repair shop who not only put in another 250G HD, but was able after days blowing a fan on it to keep it cool, they salvaged my 230G. But they warned me to be prepared for when the HD goes down again so I've now got everything backed up on the newer 1TB Passports, which I also use to carry the data with my laptop. I wish I'd gotten the Mac Air, but I wanted the one just before it, the aluminum shell 250G.
When this HD goes, the repair shop will replace it with a 1TB HD which I think is the maximum size for this desktop. I'm planning on keeping this one indefinitely as the shop can upgrade it for me. They can also put a 1TB into the laptop.
Both are too old to be serviced by Apple but are great. Hope if you like your current machine you can upgrade for what you want. Of course this is Intel so if you don't have that, you may want to save up to get another.
You can save money buying refurbished machines directly from Apple. All of mine are refurbished and with the purchase of an Applecare protection contract they'll keep on fixing it for 3 years.
Back to the email problem:
I've found that happens when my fingers accidentally touch the wrong key or more than one. Or hit the key too hard and that sends it off. I still do things at times to change defaults, but it is all my fault. I accidentally disabled images here at DU and was able to get help in W & H from those who are really good with computers.
Holding down a key longer or hitting it too hard can enable F functions or weirdly enough - when double tapping on a folder, it goes to change an option inside the folder that I can't even see so I don't know how to put it back to my choice.
I have set a few things in the Universal Access file in System Preferences to account for my sloppy keyboarding and erratic mouse functions. I don't have the great dexterity I once had, although many times I can click and type much faster than even Intel can process it.
Your 'user error' may be from that. Sometimes I have mouse trouble and do strange things. Are you having any trouble with the mouse?
(15,481 posts)I have a G5, pre intel. My monitor is very good, because I used to be a photographer, so I plan to keep it and get a mini mac.
I don't need a laptop, nor the speed of the mac pro. The main issue, besides the computer, is every single piece of software is obsolete. None of them will be compatible with a new OS. So we're talking 100% new software. I bought photoshop, my main software. have to learn all the new software, including operating system. just the photo shop switch from photoshop 7 to CS5 is going to take months to learn. So I'm staying on the sidelines, hoping to ge t by for as long as I can till i make the switch. (Other big difficult family things are happening in life simultaneously.) I'm very much on a budget, so the mini is going to do it for me, and a disc burner.
interesting. The mouse is fine. It is always when I type fast. exactly when I get emotional and should be careful not to say anything fast...I am so glad there is another klutz in the universe like me!!!
I keep sending apologies for the weird emails which go by mistake. Maybe it is an F function as you said. I assumed it was my old OS. I'm using gmail.
and OS 10.4
(7,044 posts)I have shitcanned FF, and gone back to Safari.
FF is going to lose a lot of users...
(51,122 posts)Chrome has it embedded in the browser.
Luckily, developers in the modern age, are shunning antique, bloated Flash.
Safari, minus Flash, runs beautifully.
(53,661 posts)I have a lot of trouble with Safari. I have disabled a lot that was slowing it down, but find it difficult to do what I want it to do in terms of bookmarks and customization. Most of what they offer for it I have no interest in.
(51,122 posts)Many have quit or excluded compatibility with youtube.
I've had pretty good luck with this freeware:
(53,661 posts)I prefer to be able to see and listen to things offline, as I can configure them the way I want.
My iTunes won't loop mp4s, but will loop mp3s. I like to put some of them in my iPod nano, too, and don't have a wireless service associated with it.
I'll try an Obama video or something like that to see if works.
(53,661 posts)When I open it there'a window, no instructions anywhere. I've got in my utilities folder, which ought to work even though it's an application, it doesn't seem to matter with most things, though. I just put stuff where I want.
Since I downloaded with Firefox (I am replying to you on Firefox now) it just sits there. When I go to the manual from the opened zip file, it says do I want to open an application from the internet on Firefox. I don't.
I want to drag it to Safari. Is my problem that I went to it while Firefox was open? Do I have to go back to the website and download it from Safari?
I opened Safari and it (with FF still open but reduced in the dock) and perhaps that is my problem. My OSX, intel, Safari are all compatible. Just nothing happening...
I'll keep trying. Hope you can give me some dumbed down lessons.
(51,122 posts)Open the app.
Paste the link of the video you want into the upper right search field.
The video will be listed.
Right click or control click on the video.
A pop-up menu will appear.
Scroll down to whatever video type available that you want, select and the download will start.
(53,661 posts)xtraxritical
(3,576 posts)Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)this usually works for me if I'm having a problem with
an upgrade from Firefox.
Go to disk utility/repair permissions. It takes a few minutes
to complete, then you need to restart computer.
question everything
(49,737 posts)will keep this in mind.
Now I am happy with Firefox 19.0 so will wait for the next time
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)I may be back, looking for advice.
(53,661 posts)That's the reason I stopped upgrading. I have my font style, font size and color set to override websites. Also I have NoScript which has done a great job getting rid of ads, etc. I don't want to lose any of those features. TIA if you can answer that question. I am waayy behind on upgrades.
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)For me it's usually related to slowness in Firefox,
pages not loading, videos not playing.
(53,661 posts)I don't run into the 'you don't have permission' message often. But that's how I usually get around it.
Is the disc being examined by Disk Utility the Firefox icon?
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)I'm not sure on your specific computer what if anything
needs to be unlocked. When I repair permissions it doesn't
require unlocking or password. It has nothing directly to
do with Firefox.
I don't even know what it does frankly but it seems to work
for me, when there has been any kind of a software update,
or a computer crash problem, and the computer starts
acting weird or running slow.
I presume it re-aligns something so my computer can run
the software successfully.
It doesn't have anything to do with "you don't have
permission" messages/pages that come up on the
This seems like permissions for computer to run the
software. That's why you repair them.
(53,661 posts)might format it or something?
IDK that much, maybe I'll have to pay Apple and get a repair ticket.
It looks like you know a lot more about it than I do.
The 'don't have permission' message happens at times - not when on the internet - but trying to move an item around or alter a file.
So we may be talking about different things here.
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)and we very well may be talking about different stuff.
good luck!
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)question everything
(49,737 posts)"We are embarrassed..." etc.
So I went to repair and permission and boy, was this function busy.
So I may give 20.0 another try when it asks again. I stopped it from automatically doing this so it keeps pestering me.
And... with all the help supposedly available on Firefox support, why couldn't anyone there suggest the same thing?
Again, thanks a lot.
(17,733 posts)I just upgraded Firefox to 20.0 because I seldom use it except when I'm having problems with a particular website and wanted to check out if there were problems.
Mountain Lion seems to like it just fine.
question everything
(49,737 posts)And I purchased it about two years ago...
It was not really a "problem." Just annoyance that the first screen would be: ooops, we are so embarrassed and would ask me to select the previous screen.
When I log on I expect to be in my HomePage - whichever it is.
(17,733 posts)I've got my browser set to open to a blank page.
And I've got a tendency to leave a lot of tabs open.