AI is the reason (Computer) interviews are harder now
Posted in Computers because it's entirely about computer job hiring.
As if hiring weren't already broken, AI makes it insanely broken.
I had many "interviews from hell" in the good old days.
examples given.
This one from Uber

Oh yeah, solve that in 30 minutes, will you?
What does this mean for actual studying peasants
We would be continually outcompeted unless we start using these tools. A true tragedy of commons.
People using GPT are regularly caught
The idea of spotting cheating is obvious is a case of selection bias. You only notice when it's obvious. Clearly, the person put 0 effort towards cheating (as most cheaters would, to be fair). But using the above tools, or even just having some sort of setup would make the issue much harder to spot.
Do the interviews in person. There's no other way.
Should Interviewers care
YES. Because AI can't do all functions of a software developer (yet). This means the phony guy you hire will have to do them. and you have to oversee the activity.
90 comments at this time on Hacker News
Interesting observations:
throwawaysleep 9 hours ago
I did take several courses in ethics. I internalized several key lessons.
1. People who stand up for whats right get fired and blacklisted. Perhaps killed.
2. People who get caught get second chances or never even lose their ill gotten gains. Enron fraudsters have rebuilt their wealth becoming new executives and public speakers on ethics. This is in addition to any wealth they hid away. Boeing has killed many people before the 737 max for similar sloppiness. It didnt matter then either.
3. Low level fraud virtually never gets prosecuted, yet alone unethical behaviour. We had plenty of cases where we studied some embezzler who got fired. The penalty for ill gotten millions is being fired? Thats just the day in the life of an employee in the world of regular layoffs.
Heres the problem with every ethics class I have taken. Who won in the end except in the most extreme cases (Madoff)? Usually the crook.
michaelteter 11 hours ago
It doesn't matter if AI makes interviews harder. An utterly broken system is not practically worse when it becomes more broken
We were already well past the point of futility before AI became part of the system. The only real way to get a job is by the equivalent of mass spamming and luck (which also means low chance of fit if hired) or by human connection and familiarity (the one true way for anything in life).