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This message was self-deleted by its author (NoRethugFriends) on Tue Sep 27, 2022, 10:43 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(118,552 posts)If you've logged into your account from a desktop or laptop computer, then you might be able to get the password to your account.
Here is a thread that may help:
Depending upon which browser you are using you might be able to check under the Settings-->Passwords menu.
(23,800 posts)yes . old school, it works .
(7,715 posts)I thought Google gave you multiple ways to reset a password?
Take a look at this too:
(6,500 posts)I had to do that for the same reason. I do not have a smart phone only a wall cell phone that does not have text message properties.
(3,151 posts)The above method didn't work.
I was on vacation when I changed the password. I guess I had a reason.
So, just got new phone, battled with provider Straight Talk to get a pin to change to Verizon over 2 days and many hours of incompetent people.
With Verizon's help, finally got the change going, but will have no phone (except skype) for three more days, as Straight Talk will not release number for three days. And thus no email, as that phone number needs to be available to change password.
(3,151 posts)Finally went to Verizon Company Store Friday and in a couple of hours they got it going.