Bitch whine..again...
So I'm trying out this 4g experience..have 50$/50gig..month plan..coolspot surf..When it runs its great..>2.0 mbps, which doesn't compare to the vir/mbl .75 mbps. I've done the chat/tech calls..this is boost mobil..They've done nothing to improve my signal..done the resets, etc..Its down now..using vir/mbl to do this...From what I'm reading the 4g signal has some problems around the country?
May try verizon out..don't know if they have a prepay plan. They are supposed to be the best for signal strength..
Wondered if my slow speeds were from the ac wireless adapter, but the tablet has the same problem.
(10,136 posts)to get the better bandwidth from the newer generation signals (2g to 3g, 3g to 4g, etc) you end up needing a stronger signal, which often results in the need to be closer to the tower, which can make the holes in the coverage see a little bigger.
At my house, my ATT coverage is poor. My old phone got 1-2 bars of signal strength. My new phone started off with the same strength of signal. However, one of the quarterly android OS updates resulted in a 1-bar increase in signal strength. For me, the signal strength at home does not really matter since my phone connects to the wifi router and the phone has wifi-calling enabled.
(4,401 posts)Signal strength seems pretty good..for now...
If your att signal is poor, wouldn't that affect your cell phone use-age? Your phone is a hot-spot can connect to the internet...and send and receive calls, and run a tablet etc..All dependent on a good signal?
(10,136 posts)Texting via the phone signal does require a bit higher signal strength, 2-bars usually gets the job done.
Internet access and data usage does require a decent signal, 2-bars can work but it will be a slow connection.
Since my home wifi router is connected to a high speed internet feed, the phone uses that instead of the cellular data connection. Since my phone and phone plan include wifi-calling, I can also use the wifi internet for phone calls and sort of texting.
If you are using the phone as a hot spot for other devices to connect to, that will need a good signal.
(4,401 posts)Is that similar to a "T" line...Aerospace co. usually have that type of fast..
Or..Is it provided by verizon, etc...just curious..
(10,136 posts)Previously I had copper cable DSL. Not sure about the exact technology handling the signals now. The fiber optics are capable of much better speeds than the 40 Mb/s I am currently paying for.
What I have now is still from the phone company (Century Link), similar to the offerings from the cable TV company (Comcast).
(4,401 posts)Yeah, I should have known that..I live in the country and rely on towers for a signal...which is kinda iffy..But I used to travel and live in the 'burbs'..closer to dsl availability..which was really nice.