Windows 10 update message. Genuine or threat?
This discussion thread was locked by steve2470 (a host of the Computer Help and Support group).
Hello, good people.
My wife has a W10 laptop. Recently, she's been getting messages like this, supposedly from Microsoft
Windows 10
It's time to review your privacy settings to get ready for the next update.
It doesn't take long. We've shown you this reminder more than five times and we need your help to get the update ready for your PC.
- We want to get the next updates to you so that Windows runs smoothly
- We'll save your settings and notify you before the update starts. It won't happen immediately.
Select Review settings and we'll get the problem taken care of.
There's a "Review settings" button which you can click on.
My question is quite simple: is this a genuine message from Microsoft or should I be wary? My experience with Microsoft is that they simple install the updates when you shut down the computer or start it up. I know Microsoft can be a little aggressive at times e.g. they wanted to force me to update my W7 machine to W10. But this approach is rather different.
I've done a search to see if there are warnings about this sort of message, and couldn't find any, so maybe it is legit.
Many thanks for your insights.

(37,468 posts)You can only delay the update for so long, so be sure to backup all your stuff before it attempts to update. See if your settings allow you to schedule the update. Windows 10 Pro allows you to, but I'm not sure if you can do it on Windows 10 Home.
I wish MS would not force people to update, but it does. I understand the rationale but it tends to piss people off. Good to see you SwissTony!
House of Roberts
(5,891 posts)Then be ready when you reconnect.
Earth Bound Misfit
(3,562 posts)
EDIT: If you're interested here'e instrux on how to block the update to new version:
(2,560 posts)I've OKed the update for whenever it will happen. It was just the way the information was presented that threw me. I don't have any real experience with W10. My wife wanted a new laptop in January and W10 seemed the way to go. She uses it for email, Facebook etc, so I guess optimal performance is not a pressing desire. I rarely use her machine being content with my machine and W7. I guess when I have to get a new one, I'll have to throw myself a bit more into W10/11/12/whatever.
But your advice was a great relief to me. Many thanks.
Response to SwissTony (Original post)
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