The Great Humbug and the Poisonous Little Smartie..
Johnson wants to play the propaganda game. Stoke up fear and angst among a generally low information voting electorate because, in essence, he is an unprincipled charlatan who will stop at nothing to promote his own power and privilege. With his proven track record of lies, it remains a mystery why anyone believes him on anything but enough of them do to make it concerning.
I suppose we can take comfort in one future hope - if the BoJo Tories do deliver a no-deal Brexit, BoJo may well be the last Conservative PM for a generation - because when the poverty shit hits the working class fan of a no-deal, the very people that are willing to support Boris as he tries fuck over democracy right now for their working class Brexit, will get very angry indeed.
Right now, BoJo and Cummings are trying to convince us that riots will happen if Brexit does not. Of course, they wont
but when people cannot feed their kids and heat their homes cause Brexit it may be a very different story. People will put up with most anything, really, but remove economic security and cause financial hardship? Heh. We could end up having our own Arab Spring
Just in Stoke, in December