If you force the Queen to miss Ascot, don't be surprised if she turns up in a giant EU hat

The Queens hat looks very, very very much like the flag of the European Union
It has long been known that the endurance of constitutional monarchy at the head of the British legislative system rests on the sacred principle of never, ever, ever pissing about with Royal Ascot and and never before has it been more gravely tested.
Not once in the broad sweep of sixty-five long years of British history has Her Majesty the Queen come close to compromising the fundamental constitutional tenet of political neutrality of the monarchy, but tell her she might not make it in time for the Jersey Stakes at half two and do not, frankly, be surprised if the response you get is: Whatever you say, but one will not be wearing ones crown on ones head, one will be wearing a massive EU flag-hat instead.
Was it an accident, this nakedly pro-Brussels bonnet? One suspects we will never know the truth, but given one commenter on the Daily Mail website was sufficiently enraged to describe the Queen herself as a left liberal luvvie traitor!!! we probably do not need to.