A Republican elections commissioner said he was proud of lower turnout in Milwaukee.
Democratic colleagues are calling for his resignation.
MADISON - A Democratic member of the Wisconsin Elections Commission is calling on his Republican colleague to resign for praising lower voter turnout in Milwaukee during the 2022 general election that he attributed to targeting Black voters with negative ads, lawsuits filed by Republicans that added voting restrictions, and GOP campaigning that pushed Democratic voters to stay home instead of voting for candidates in their party.
Bob Spindell, the chairman of the Fourth Congressional District GOP and a member of the elections commission, told Republicans in a recent email the district party was proud of lower turnout in Milwaukee "due to a 'well thought out multi-faceted plan'" that included "A substantial & very effective Republican Coordinated Election Integrity program resulting with lots of Republican paid Election Judges & trained Observers & extremely significant continued Court Litigation," according to UrbanMilwaukee, which was the first to report on Spindell's comments.
Democratic commissioner Mark Thomsen said Spindell should leave his position overseeing elections.
"My fellow commissioner Bob Spindell has shown he cannot be fair and should resign from the WEC," Thomsen tweeted, citing the Urban Milwaukee report. Thomsen did not respond to a request for an interview.