Related: About this forumNotice How Michigan Flipped its State Legislature? Can WI Do This?
Ballot initiative to un-gerrymander Michigan: https://gerrymander.princeton.edu/reforms/MI

(36,510 posts)but we persevered and got it done. We would still be a gerrymandered mess if not for that prop being passed. We citizens have to save ourselves in states that the GQP legislature has a stranglehold on. We were a mess until 2018 when we got fed up and elected Democrats to statewide offices. The pot prop helped us in 2018, too, tbh. We were frustrated in 2020 because even though Governor Whitmer wanted to fix the roads and improve education, the GQP legislature killed every initiative. So we collected signatures and put the anti-gerrymandering and expanded voting rights props on the ballot. Those were the game-changers.
We're proof that it can be done if enough citizens get fed up.
(339 posts)Tetrachloride
(8,608 posts)A few drive-by campaigners wont do it.
A lot of churches are essentially offices of the right wing.
Wisconsin Dems have low visibility. Especially a senator.
(11,869 posts)There must be a way! The Rs will never give up what they crave...power, money, and the ability to cause pain.
(8,608 posts)Political positions is not enough.
Being a winner is the way. Momentum begets momentum.
Wisconsin needs Gretchen Whitmer, John Fetterman,
Beto ORourke, Stacey Abrams , Gavin Newsom to bring their broadsides. Up close and personal.
(11,869 posts)The rules make it impossible for us to win so I think what you are saying for WI may not work as it did in MN and MI.
Gerrymandering must be outlawed nationally and public financing for campaigns must be public.
(23,555 posts)Yeah, there's nothing like self-suppressing your vote--what could go wrong with that? After all, in 2010 the state was controlled by Democrats. But Republicans showed up to vote like it was their duty and in 1 election the entire state flipped to total Republican control is a census year so they got to gerrymander the state when they took power in 2011, guaranteeing they would stay in power in the legislature as they do to this day.
(11,869 posts)I agree with what you stated: 2010 R turnout was driven by hate radio and FOX. When one of the best and brightest Dem., Russ Feingold (for whom my daughter worked at the time in DC), lost. It was likely complacency to vote that cycle.
Johnson nearly lost; yet, he won when he is in fact the dumbest, least-effective, unlikable slug (State Rep. Van Orden may be close as time may tell), corrupt, and a self-servicing Russian asset.
If a case could be made that we are unfairly represented on a Constitutional level (either State or U.S.) with a fair Wisconsin Judiciary, like Mich. we may stand a chance. So voting this Feb Judgeship may offer some hope in WI.