Related: About this forumWanker and Evers tied in new Marquette poll.....
Republican Gov. Scott Walker is tied with Democratic nominee Tony Evers in Wisconsin's race for governor, the latest Marquette poll finds.
Among likely voters, the poll finds both candidates with 46 percent support.
The new poll also finds Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin leading Republican nominee Leah Vukmir, but by a far narrower margin than previous polls. It has Baldwin with 49 percent support and Vukmir with 47 percent support among likely voters.
The results reinforce that both statewide elections could be very closely contested in November.
Among registered voters, Baldwin's lead expands to 51-43 percent. Walker has a 46-44 lead on Evers among those voters.

Eliot Rosewater
(32,669 posts)and a safe infrastructure.
They want to LOSE all that to hold on to their racism. And misogyny.
jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)they say the DEM is ahead, then tied, then Walker ahead...
for the 4th time we have ended up with a not fantastic candidate. We actually ran Tom Barrett, the guy who lost in the first election in the recall. A rematch...The 3rd time we were denied a primary by our shitty chairman Mike Tate and he handpicked a wealthy lady who knew noting...she had spent $120Grand to get on the school board...the extent of her experience. I was one of the first to meet her...Tate about held her on his lap and hand fed her lines...ventrilloquist act...
Sadly, for us Evers (field had 12 candidates then down to 8 in primary)has zero personality. I fear we will lose for the 4th time to Walker.
(29,941 posts)Well be sure to tell you how correct you are when we lose.
jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)I write letters every month, I work at HQ, I testify at hearings, I door knock, I phonebank, I organize protests and rallies..I bled during the recall....you can criticize me when you are in my shoes. I am also honest and after 10 years of vile R rule, I do not wear pretend rose colored glasses. This is a forum, not a fairy tale.
And you are welcome.
(29,941 posts)Apparently your hard work leads you to speak negatively and buzz kill the newly elected candidate.
You didnt bleed during the recall. Hyperbole is not fact. If anything during the recall you froze like I did.
Just because you work so hard doesnt make you right or preferred.
If you aint pulling for this candidate cuz you dont like his personality, get off the rope.
(1,736 posts)It's going to be won through turnout, at the end of the day.
All the primary candidates had an opportunity to win. Evers won, handily. He has excellent administrative experience and frightens no one away. He may earn some crossover Republican voters and independents who favor a change in Madison.
A good campaign with a determined grassroots effort will defeat Walker. He's vulnerable. Are we ready????
beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)Larger than what pollsters sample.
(29,941 posts)Thats why I say we are always fighting for that 3-4%.
Thats hard work. Thats why we need everyone to pull.
(7,349 posts)Vote like your life depends on....