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(8,608 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)How's your kid smiling from that tiny coffin?
(114,019 posts)Response to blm (Reply #3)
sl8 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Nictuku (Reply #4)
sl8 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(41,553 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,540 posts)Showing no signs of empathy, self control, coping skills, ability to take responsibility or cope with challenges.
These use to be the hallmark of a functioning adult.
(64,087 posts)They used to be somewhat inhibited, but since TFG normalized this behavior, this is no longer the case.
Why are they not being referred for long-term psychotherapy?
On Edit: exacerbated by judges being very soft on 1/6 insurrectionists, including TFG. Coddling emboldens them.
(65,540 posts)But perhaps that needs to change. Therapists need to get some strategies in place and soon.
The PDs don't even usually go into therapy, it is the people around them who do.
And yes, they need some corrective experiences if they hope to achieve maturity and functional status.
Yes low IQ, poor education, lack of moral core, or adult skills.
The GOP rewards this maladaptive behavior, so we are seeing it in huge numbers.
And the courts just ignore it or give a minor slap on the wrist.
So there is a lot of positive environmental support for their acting out.
(64,087 posts)But of course others might now have emerged.
This is intensive, community-based, family therapy.
It works, but only up to a certain age, 13, I believe, is when effectiveness drops off.
Of course, prisons are filled with people who demonstrate transgenerational maladaptive behavior.
Here is a link, if interested:
Ps - Agreed that qpukes' support & justice system coddling is only serving to encourage this behavior.
Imho, justice system should make an example of every insurrectionist convicted with max sentencing!
They would not be treated so gently if they had robbed a bank &, imo, our democracy & the lives of legislators are worth far more than a bag of cash.
(65,540 posts)Family therapy is problematic since often the parents are personality disorders themselves or chaos driven.
Yes I used to do conduct jail counseling, so I know the situation there.
Obviously we had a lot of marginal personality disorders in this country who have blossomed into full blown cases with GOP tutorials and strong encouragement.
I agree totally with your recommendation about outcome. These are traitors to our country, they tried to overturn a legitimate election and the endangered the lives of elected federal officials. Think of it, deliberately damaging a post office truck probably gets a harsher sentence than the insurrectionists will get.
Also there is going to be no deterrent for those planning the next insurrection.
(119,275 posts)I suspect that her indifference and lack of compassion have been building for years.
(65,540 posts)Care that these people have paid for with their insurance premiums.
(52,669 posts)The graph is eye-popping......13,400! Then I see this video and I want to scream.