Tell the DEQ not to approve coal exports by Ambre Energy shipped through the Columbia...
Just go this CREDO alert and thought I'd post here to have many of you sign on as well...
Fight to keep coal exports out of Oregon

The Oregon DEQ appears poised to allow Australian company Ambre Energy to move forward with a major source of pollution in Oregon by building the Morrow Pacific coal export terminal, which would turn the Columbia River into a hub for shipping dirty American coal to Asia.
Late last week, the Oregon DEQ released draft air and water quality permits for the proposed terminal that would allow Ambre to move forward -- polluting the Columbia River and releasing dangerous pollutants into Oregons air.
The DEQ is now accepting public comments from Oregonians, and we need an outpouring of opposition to make sure it stops Ambres disastrous coal export proposal from moving forward.
Tell the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality: Stop the Morrow Pacific coal export terminal.