North Carolina
Related: About this forumGov. Cooper's Response NC House Overrides Budget Veto in Surprise Vote
Governors Response Video at the link.
UPDATED 6:27 PM ET SEP. 11, 2019
RALEIGH, N.C. Chaos broke out on the State House floor Wednesday when, in an early-morning session, Republican leaders surprised their Democratic colleagues by calling a veto override vote on the state budget after it had set idle for more than two months.
GOP lawmakers vote to override governor's budget veto Wednesday
Dems say they were told there would be no vote, so many were absent
House Speaker Rep. Tim Moore denied saying there wouldn't be a vote
Only nine Democrats were on the House floor for the session, saying they were told no votes would be taken.
After the vote was taken, the few Democrats who showed up fumed in outrage.
The House voted 55-9 to override the governor's budget veto.
House leaders say Democrats were told that a vote would happen Wednesday, but it is unclear to what Democrats thought they were referring to.
"There was never any statement made that we would not take up votes this morning," state House Speaker Rep. Tim Moore said.
The vote now heads to the Senate.
(9,629 posts)The truth and whatever story the Republicans make up.
(1,121 posts)showing them with their heads bowed at the 911 Ceremony and a picture of the near empty state house when the Republicans screwed the State of North Carolina.
(2,000 posts)to my rep,to vent, but am waiting to send it. As if he or the legislature would care!
Maybe I'll send it as an open letter/op ed. What do you think?
To: Jake Johnson
subject: Shame on y'all
Please share this with your cronies.
How proud you must be! Like young children who defecate, then smear it all over the walls, and declare with glee "Look what I did!"
Except you smeared it all over your constituents, the people of NC.
You have shamed yourselves and embarrassed us by your actions in the legislature on 9/11/19.
And why weren't you at the 9/11 memorial?
It appears you are traitors, attacking our state government on 9/11.
Mr Johnson, you were only recently appointed, and are not off to a good start.
That's all I've got. I don't contact my state reps. They're useless. And my former one, Cody Henson just resigned 8/27 due to his Cyber stalking plea, and this new rep was appointed on 9/2.
Not even sure if he was there. 65 repugs in NC house. Only 55 there today.
(1,121 posts)In our county we try to have letters to the editor from the Democratic constituents every week.
(1,891 posts)Biden thinks it's OK to work with 'cause he's naïve beyond belief.
(1,249 posts)As I've been learning, criticizing Joe B. is a surefire way to draw an alert. Democratic Underground isn't as open to open discussion as its name might imply.
(1,249 posts)Let's all stop acting surprised and blaming Republicans when our Democrats act stupidly. Anyone over the age if thirty who believes the old "just a formality" line from his or her opponents has no business being in politics.
"The House can conduct business so long as it has a quorum at least 61 lawmakers present." Those nine Democrats had to know they were giving the Republicans a quorum when they walked into that chamber.
And to all those against impeachment, don't be surprised when Democrats don't take back the presidency or the Senate in 2020.
(26,496 posts)Were in three places today. One, on the floor, two, honoring the 9/11 dead and three, in committee working on the district map redrawing. They were lied to plain and simple. Your remarks are an oversimplification of the issue. Anyone who remembers the 2013 Motorcycle Safety Bill knows the deceit practiced by the corrupt NCGA members is a feature, not a bug.
Even considering all things, we stand with democrats on DU. I'm guessing that you don't ordinarily stand up for lying and thievery. I would be surprised if you haven't been the victim of a lie, however.
It's clear you have little knowledge of the chicanery of the NCGA Republicans. In this case your support of their behavior is misplaced, at best.
As the saying goes, your concern is duly noted.
(1,249 posts)Of course Republicans are a-holes. That's their central feature. But let's all stop pretending we're don't know that. Let's start acting as if that's a given. Let's start anticipating it and stop falling for their lies time and again.
And based on the quorum rules, maybe the dems should have stuck with two places for today.
(25,504 posts)n/t