New Jersey
Related: About this forumJust confirmed my 2 grandkids are back to 'virtual' school,
kindergarten and 2d grade, Medford, after beginning IN school; they were 'exposed' on a school bus, so daughter's 'virtually' working, and actually 'assistant' teaching. Good she enjoys her kids.

(118 posts)I think Medford had a total of like 115 kids or so on a quarantine as of Friday because of potential exposure
so its crazy to have someone related to one of those here.
For a district with about 15,000 students
you have less than a fraction of 1% of students potentially exposed.
They also have a pretty strict quarantine protocol
I think youre out for 5-7 days for even potential symptoms
Im so glad my district allows kids to return with a negative test. Ive already had to have my son tested twice now because of symptoms which have only been allergies.
I hope your grandkids are ok and that they get through the virtual easily.
Is Medford doing true virtual for kids out because of exposure?
We arent.
(138,720 posts)Sounded like true virtual; they did school work today. MAYBE selective, school by school.
Kids will be vaccinated 'soon.'
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)for the younger school-age set, I believe this is likely the safest way to proceed for the community's sake I'm hoping it happens and becomes available this coming week. My 11-year-old grandson missed his friends; at home, it's difficult to pry his iPad and headset away from his face. He's very comfortable with digital learning and has advanced scores in math and language arts - so far so good - no CoVid. Kids must mask and maintain safe distancing except outdoor recess, but parents have been understandably mixed because of their own work schedules/arrangements, remote or not. Do they require testing before returning to in-school classes?
(138,720 posts)Daughter is happy to be able to deal with virtual schooling.
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)either feast or famine; she sources from vendors and tracks installation of interior furnishings for new hotels from lobby to rooms, signage, amenities, etc...per the builders and designers choices. They met opening deadlines on previous builds and are awaiting new-build contracts that will again result in a "feast" of work! During CoVid and now with supply chain logistical "famine," she's been kept on payroll with a couple small "local site meeting/visits" and mainly low-volume email communications for company business. Dad also has a mixed remote and on location position - I guess you'd say he is a sales trainer. Lots of time w/kid during lock-down; he wasn't bored because iPad zooming and assignments to complete at home, but it's a bit more hectic now that in-school has returned--no exposure - yet
(4,128 posts)The first Covid vax was just approved for 5-11 years old. Best wishes for you and them. I grew up a few towns north in the same county. I loved going to summer camp and scout summer camp in Medford, NJ.
(138,720 posts)They'll be vaxxed in next weeks. Their grandparents take them to the shore, and have a pool of their own; not sure what town.
(1,922 posts)He is 10, was bored because everyone had to stay away from him until a neg test. School mandated the 10 days.