St. James Parish residents tell Corps of Engineers: We need levee protection, too

More than 500 people showed up Tuesday night in Lutcher for the first of two public hearings to discuss a proposed federal hurricane protection project that currently would not include St. James Parish within the levee system.
To thunderous applause, Jude Cambre uttered an often-repeated sentiment during the two-hour meeting: "If C option is taken, we are sunk!" Cambre said. "They need to go with D."
Many in attendance say that St. James Parish received unprecedented amounts of water during Hurricane Isaac, flooding homes and businesses. If the parish does not have a structure to protect it from tidal surge, St. James will become a "retention pond," one resident said.
"We'll need a pirogue to get out of here if they stay with C," Gramercy resident Pat Barker said. "I didn't build in a flood zone. They are making me a flood zone if they do C."
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