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(108,317 posts)Don't be deceived that your vote is not sorely needed.
(97,964 posts)Vote Centers open from Sept 4 to Sept 14
Last day to vote is Sept 14
Vote NO on question 1
(64,088 posts)
(14,887 posts)is an anti vaxxer, maskhole and forever t*****r. We certainly do not need THAT after Newsom has been has been a public health supporter throughout this pandemic.
(9,950 posts)Teapublicans here ought not be given power with less than the majority of the vote.
We have to anticipate every loophole they'll dig up. They can't win, but they have perfected the art of lying and cheating.
(2,577 posts)Postcards to Voters is sending Dems all across California to remind them to vote NO and get those mail-in ballots returned. I hope to do my bit to help you all out.
You have a state doing many good things, and you certainly don't need an incompetent radio hack coming in to mess things up.
(23,295 posts)Thank you.
(14,887 posts)I am on a postcard writing team here. I am encouraged by the impact of the handwritten cards.
(159,624 posts)quaint
(3,793 posts)Checked out the candidate list but only one my convictions allow me to vote for: Jacqueline McGowan.
She has been described as a Democratic cannabis advocate but she is much more.
Please check out questions and answers here: votersedge
While there, please see the Q&A with another Democrat, Daniel Watts: votersedge
He is described as a lawyer who specializes in First Amendment cases. However, on Martindale, I learned he served simultaneously as president of the campus ACLU and Federalist Society chapters, often pitting the two organizations against each other in head-to-head debates. While a 20-year-old, he ran for California governor in the 2003 recall election.
I'm just putting in my two cents, you all follow your own conscience.
(159,624 posts)Northern_Light
(39 posts)I live in Calif and my ballot is on the way. I'm absolutely voting "NO" on the recall.
What concerns me is Newsom is recommending No, and leave the next question blank if the vote turns out yes.
The polls I've seen (if they can be trusted) show this as very tight (per wikipedia near bottom of page):
Aggregate polls are yes 48, no 46. The most recent polls thankfully show yes 46, no 54.
If this passes the leading candidate (who only needs a simple majority) is Larry Elder a trumpy ultra right wing talk show host. Also, I know even if this freak is elected the CA legislators is not going to work with him. However, he can do a lot of damage just with mandates (has already said he's reverse the mask and vaccine mandate). And, yes we have a new election in 2022, but he can do a lot of damage in just a year.
Newsom recommending a no vote on the 2nd question is selfish and and insane. The only Democratic candidate who showed any chance in 1 poll only is a real estate youtuber who is recommending a yes on the recall (Kevin Paffrath).
I'm really concerned a lot of Democratic voters won't vote thinking the recall will never happen.
For other Calif voters, do you know or can you think of any Democratic candidate other than Paffrath who any chance at all?
(159,624 posts)The people elected Newsome and he should remain the governor. I agree with Newsome plan
(2,493 posts)what to do, as I said in another thread here, I've got my NO filled in, and can't quite bring myself to mail my ballot without voting for a Dem, just in case.
Here's the thread from DK, where they're also undecided about the best course of action:
(3,941 posts)That's the only sure way
I don't think it's wasting the vote.
I think that result renders the first symbolic and takes care of any vote splitting between the 9 dems and 25 thugs.
He would not be gaining a third term because it's described as "who should complete Governor Newsom's term if the first question succeeds in removing him.
There's nothing I know of that can prevent him form taking the position again.
However, I am not an elections expert.
Discuss and implement if feasible.
(39 posts)Voters can also write in their own choice however, it will only count if its someone from the certified list. Also, since Newsom cant run as a replacement candidate, write-in votes for him will not count.
From this article (See What's on the ballot and second question):
(3,941 posts)Gives a definitive ruling on the issue.
(2,493 posts)Retrograde
(10,970 posts)I know some people on DU are advocating for Paffrath, but from what I've seen he's a Republican who puts a D after his name. Using the National Guard to round up the homeless? Really?
(2,493 posts)wrong, maybe a YouTuber with crazy ideas and no actual ability to govern a state of 40 million people with an economy that's 5th. in the world really is better than being stuck with Elder. I just want Governor Newsom to survive the recall, is that really too much to ask?
(10,970 posts)which is why I will not vote for him. I can say the same for all of the so-called candidates.
I am no longer voting for the lesser of two (or more) evils: if someone is not qualified for an office I will not vote for them. I will vote for people who might be my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 25th choice if they have some serious qualifications, but I will not reward these clowns (yeah, I know this will have no impact on them)
(159,624 posts)Northern_Light
(39 posts)With all due respect:
1) I couldn't care less what actress Morgan Fairchild tweets. She may be a fine person and is entitled to her opinion, but I really don't care.
2) Didn't answer my question.
3) I live in California not Texas (ie. your Texas flag pic). So will have to live with some a crazy republican as governor if this passes. You already know what that's like with Abbott.
(159,624 posts)Northern_Light
(39 posts)You really like the tweets, huh. Can't stand social media myself. To me it's totally unsocial.
Local news talked theory about how during 2003 recall people got confused about voting for a candidate if the recall is yes. To me, if that's true they should spend inform people rather than AD spending to leave a ballot option blank.
Newsom has acted like a fool. This is I think the 6th time these crazy recallers have tried this since Newsom was elected. Then, when Newsom knows they are gunning for him, he's stupid enough to not follow his own mask mandate for a lobbyist birthday party.
Then, how about in 18 years they did nothing after we got idiot Arnie to change the screwed up recall process in CA.
Only good news is the most recent poll it looking better. YouGov poll is "No" at 52% and 54% with a larger sample size and lower margin of error. Still too tight though. Will depend on turn out and Dem's I've talked to haven't even known about the recall. R's I know are excited.
(159,624 posts)Northern_Light
(39 posts)That's about as useful as me trusting the Democratic leadership in Texas. I don't live in Texas, so don't need to live with the outcome if they screw up.
I hope the Newsom plan works, but really pissed we're even in the position.
(47,753 posts)
I spent couple of hours making calls against the recall yesterday. Almost all calls go to voice mail, and you just hang up. Of the people who answered, I got one guy who couldn't wait until he got rid of Newsom, but he was polite. I had several really wonderful calls with people who are voting no. Just about all of them thanked me for making calls.
I made calls in NC for November last year and for GA in January, and the experience was fine. These calls were a lot more fun.
(24,047 posts)Don't want to take ANY chances!!
(159,624 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,669 posts)You can vote NO and vote for who becomes governor if the recall is successful, and from what i can tell, this is our best alternative under these circumstances.
If you vote NO and leave the 2nd part blank you are allowing the GOP to pick the new governor IF we lose the recall. he becomes governor:
Would declare a state of emergency on housing and streamline permitting to build two million homes in four years, and would redevelop commercial spaces for homes
Would seek to build net negative housing communities, built around solar and wind farms that export energy to the rest of California
Would eliminate state income tax on the first $250,000 earned
Would legalize online and in-person gambling and seek to build Las Vegas-style casinos in partnership with casino builders, tribal communities and union workers
Would invest in wildfire prevention with technologically advanced detection and response
Would try to reduce crime by fully funding police departments, but shifting to better training and community integration instead of over-policing poor and minority communities
Would offer nonviolent offenders the option to do community service, such as cleaning streets and removing graffiti, instead of prison time
Would not impose any further COVID lockdowns, but would not ban counties or cities from imposing restrictions
Would establish Future Schools two-year programs open to anyone age 16 and older that combine college, trade school, high school and financial education, and work with industry and nonprofits to create a hiring pipeline
Would seek the federal governments help on the states water shortage by building a 14-foot-diameter pipeline from the Mississippi River to California
Would refocus high-speed rail money to reduce traffic congestion and pollution by building new roads, including variable-direction toll roads
Would start a daily vlog on his work as governor to boost transparency
And yes I realize you cant eliminate homelessness as described WHILE AT THE SAME TIME eliminating tax on income under $250K, clearly he has no idea how this stuff works but he is better than any con.