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This message was self-deleted by its author (BillyRibs) on Tue Oct 1, 2013, 04:56 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(51,666 posts)Response to kestrel91316 (Reply #1)
BillyRibs This message was self-deleted by its author.
(51,666 posts)Good lord. Cry me a river. I had to drop my GROUP policy with a $5k deductible (or was it $7500? I forget) plus a 20% copay, with I think a $10k out-of-pocket cap several years ago when it topped $500/mo for ONE PERSON.
And absolutely no medication or preventive care fell under any exemption from ded/copays like today.
Response to kestrel91316 (Reply #13)
Post removed
(51,666 posts)RW ruining things for my formerly-middle class client base.
Money has never grown on trees for me. As a single woman entrepreneur I have ALWAYS had to struggle.
I don't run up ship ladders. I just risk catching a deadly disease from one or another of my patients (including rabies) or receiving a career-ending injury every single fucking day. And there's nobody to help with the bills if I can't work, or do the shopping if I can't go to the store, or anything else. This has been a high wire act with no net for most of my adult life.
How many of the past 30 years have YOU had a regular paycheck and medical insurance??
Like I said, cry me a river. And I ain't the troll in this picture, noob.
ETA: Take your classically freeperish inappropriate capitalization back with you to whatever bridge you crawled out from under.
liberal N proud
(61,020 posts)This year no change.
I suspect they are protecting themselves and hope the price goes down once they see savings as a result of Obama are.
(68,644 posts)I suspect that your actual entire plan costs did not double, just your contribution to the total.
In an event, I experienced much the same thing from year to year in my last position.
First it was free, then it was $40 on my part, then $65, then $130, year after year always rising, and often doubling or worse.
Response to NYC_SKP (Reply #3)
BillyRibs This message was self-deleted by its author.
(68,644 posts)I know costs are high, but we work hard for them to be successful and the working ranks should have coverage as good as the execs.
Good luck!
(593 posts)It is over 6k a year. Medicare for all would be soooo much cheaper and more effective. Obamacare is better than nothing but still way more expensive than single payer.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)She pays $325 a month and has a $5,000 deductible, plus a high co-pay for RX. After she pays rent, utilities, insurance, she has no money left. She checked the Obama care calculator and her monthly cost will drop to around $80 a month for same coverage.
(593 posts)I think I had a $250 deductible and fairly low co-pays. What is the co-pay and deductible for the Obama care plan? When I was a student I had pretty crappy insurance that only covered $1200 a year in RX. I had some health issues and that evaporated in a month or two to the point it was basically useless. Thankfully I think that kind of plan is illegal now.
Response to dem in texas (Reply #6)
BillyRibs This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1,233 posts)Does this result in the plan costing more than 9.5% of your income? That would make you eligible for the exchanges, I think.
Response to missingthebigdog (Reply #5)
BillyRibs This message was self-deleted by its author.
(51,666 posts)No shock, I suppose, considering.
Enjoy your stay.
I am ecstatic about the exchanges and the subsidies. I'll be able to get medical insurance for LESS THAN $500/MO FOR A CATASTROPHIC PLAN.