American Pickers called me today
They got in touch with me right when Covid started, and it fizzled out. The guy I talked to said if they include me in their visit to the area, it'll be sometime in Sept. If I get selected, that gives me time to get things organized. Just kidding lol

(8,089 posts)Good luck.
(20,224 posts)I've been trying to organize the stuff my whole life. I told the guy I lived in a warehouse, and he thought I meant an actual warehouse. I'll have to be careful on the humor lol
viva la
(3,983 posts)And what are you going to show them? Do you have a "theme" to your collection?
They find some really interesting artifacts.
(20,224 posts)If they get in touch with you, they ask you to take pictures. For me, wide shots of the storage areas. If it looks like something they want to get into, they add you to the initial list. If you get picked, a member of the crew will make a prelim visit. Maybe I'd get some pointers about how to present the stuff if they film us.
I don't have a real theme. We always bought what we liked and could afford. As our finances and knowledge improved, we got better stuff If they come, I hope they will buy things I care about, so they go to someone who appreciates them. During Covid, I sorted a lot of stuff and got an idea of what I wanted to keep and what should and could go.
I haven't watched the show for a long time, got rid of cable. I watch it once in awhile if i'm watching my grand kids. They really like signs and advertising, but so does everybody. I'll update when I hear more