We got bored staying home
and organizing the house, so we started listing things on EBay. Just items that didn't sell at the mall, but didn't want to toss out. So, everything starting at 99 cents with no reserve. Going to do 3 or 4 items a week. So far 1 item didn't get a bid. Sold one for $88, one for $22. Kind of fun, the one that sold for $22 was at $7.25 with 10 minutes to go. Still a long way to go to put a dent in all of the stuff. The no sale was a group of postcards. That was sad as we have so many. This time we put in a couple of groups of studio photos. One of little kids and one of nice looking young ladies from about 1910.
The mall is closed down and nothing else to do with the stuff.

(7,464 posts)safeinOhio
(35,071 posts)A guy that always started everything at 99 cents with no reserve. Fun to follow him.
(26,791 posts)safeinOhio
(35,071 posts)We start it at 99 cents, is someone opened it at that 99 cents and no one else bids, they own it. GF put a doll on and the first bid was that 99 cents. It went up to almost $90. Had a pair of cast iron candle holders and they went for the 99 cents plus shipping.
(25,577 posts)than the starting bid.
Example: At an art house a painting may starting the bidding at $1,000. but the seller has put a reserve of $5,000 and if the bidding doesn't get there, the item does not sell, even if you've bid $4,000. No sale.
Same applies on eBay. A seller can set a reserve but start the auction at .99 cents
No reserve gives buyers the impression that a deal can be found there.
(51,720 posts)I don't think I've got the time. I talked to the woman who owns the group shop I sell in over in Vermont and there's no end in sight, although I might go in and help her clean in preparation for an eventual opening. (Can you imagine? I'm so stir crazy I volunteered to clean for free? LOL.)
(35,071 posts)we have it down to doing it all in about 45 minutes all on her phone. If we get a little faster and get a lot of followers, we might expand a little.
Having lots of time now, we have been cleaning and sorting. Found things Ive brought back from the mall that just need to go. Fun for now.
(4,401 posts)on Craig's list last year..Not real crazy about having customers
come here...Is doing the shipping much of a hassle on ebay ..?
(35,071 posts)No problem.