At a garage sale last week
And saw an old baseball on a shelf and ask if it was for sale. Guy said sure, how about a quarter.
Has hand stitching that goes straight across, not like the herringbone like we normally see.
Late 1800s. Not worth a fortune, but at least $30 or more.

(34,224 posts)stuff...old Lionel, American Flyer and Marx trains and accessories. Most don't work but are good for parts and occasionally I get a real gem.
(54,447 posts)an aluminum Christmas tree, in orginial box, 5 feet tall. Sold it in my vintage mall booth for $84.
(35,071 posts)I thought, at first, the ten dollar tag fell of some other item. Still had the two pull out shelfs in it and had a tin cover on the top so one wouldn't need a piece of glass to make it a coffee table.
It takes a lot of stopping before you find a good one.
(22,018 posts)$2.50. worth less than $30 i think. but hey, its OLD. now if i only i had gotten the WHOLE set of 1903 american edition encyclopedia britannica intomy car instead of just 3. best bathroom reading ever. had to find another set.. not as pretty, but 1891. gave up on rummage for state sales. but not as good as it used to be. no more depression era.
(51,720 posts)because of the rainy weather and the thrift shop has gotten foolishly over priced. I hate these ruts. It seems like you'll never find anything good ever again.
(35,071 posts)Get out early and you'll hit one.
I love when I see someone just putting out the sale sign.
I hate when I'm walking up the drive and someone is coming out with a guitar case.
(51,720 posts)Lots of other smalls that should sell pretty quickly in the booth and another wooden duck decoy to add to my growing collection. It was just what I needed to get the juices going to continue the never ending treasure hunt.
(43,891 posts)Found a copy of a 1940s-era Captain Marvel comic book. It was an odd piece - seemed more like a newspaper insert. 4 pages front and back. Online price was about $25. I thought I'd struck gold when I saw it.
(35,071 posts)of blank Students For a Democratic Society (SDS) aplication Post card size. Not a lot of value, but very cool to me.