Enthralled by a past history that didn't exist
By Sid Schwab / Herald Columnist
Last time round, Donald Trump lost the popular vote by millions, but the antiquated Electoral College, disinformation from Russia and others, and a rightwing media conglomerate devoted to replacing truth with fiction put him in the White House.
He proceeded to run up massive debt, mishandle the pandemic to the tune of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and gift world leadership to our adversaries. Then, at the end, he lied about losing a free, fair, multiply-adjudicated election and instigated an attempt to overthrow it. The lie lives on.
This time, all memory erased (YouTube: tinyurl.com/zappedd4u), Americans gave him more votes than Vice President Kamala Harris; though, as in both prior elections, more voted against than for him. Baseless claims of receiving a mandate notwithstanding, it was one of the narrowest margins of victory in history. But they gave him both chambers of Congress, too, Republican members of which are more MAGAfied than ever. The Supreme Court was already his. Its a four-fecta. How quickly we forget.
Well, not forget, so much as succumb to four years of concentrated whitewashing. Because they know their agenda depends on obsequious acquiescence by Congress and voters, along with the press and social media, its been an all-out effort by Project Trump 2025. Who remembers Trumps words on Jan. 7, 2021, when he said that the demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy? He doesnt. He never meant it in the first place. Now he agrees with Rep Mike Collins, R-Ga., who said this week, evidently without irony, On this day in history in 2021, thousands of peaceful grandmothers gathered in Washington, D.C., to take a self-guided, albeit unauthorized, tour of the U.S. Capitol building. And if he was being ironic, his colleagues and voters nevertheless buy the rewrite like Trump Bibles.