James Fell: On This Day In History, Shit Went Down
(found on Facebook)
James Fell is a hoot, perhaps a kindred soul to Jeff Tiedrich.
I'm not sure this link to a Facebook post will work for you, so I copied and pasted the whole thing. It's not that long. If it's a violation, I'll take it down or truncate it.
On January 6, 2021, incited by the Oompa Loompa in Chief, a crowd of terrorist insurrectionist turdsniffers stormed the Capitol Building. During the fracas, one such opponent of American democracy accidentally tasered himself in the balls, had a heart attack, and died.
--On This Day in History Shit Went Down: January 6, 2021--
Allegedly. Allegedly he tasered himself. Im still referring to him as Taserballs, because fuck that guy. Fornicate all of them with a shit-smeared cactus. Speaking of, the terrorists smeared their own feces in the hallways and offices of the Capitol Building. But lets set aside the rest of those deranged traitorous dipshits and focus on Taserballs as a representation of who they truly are. Its metaphorical!
His name was Kevin Greeson. From Alabama, he was 55 and was at high risk for a myocardial infarction. Someone, I dont know whom, began the aforementioned ball-tasering rumor. It remains unsubstantiated. Snopes says it is false, but most of that relies on Taserballs wife saying she was on the phone with Taserballs and he was just really excited about the idea of destroying American democracy, and he died. A New York Times reporter corroborated that Greeson fell to the sidewalk as he was on the phone while standing among a sea of Trump supporters. His wife said Taserballs wasnt armed, either with guns or a taser, but its possible she wasnt truthful or didnt actually know and her husband did jostle a taser in his pocket, electricocksuckered himself, and his heart said ouch quit it and noped out.
Alas, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We dont have any photos or videos of the taser or Greeson doing the funky chicken while tasering his nutsack and falling to the pavement saying Ah, my balls! And so, while I think Snopes is overzealous in proclaiming it FALSE, it is at the least Unconfirmed. Thing is, we never believed it anyway.
Many Trumpanzees proclaim their Jaundiced Jesus won the election and there was massive voter fraud despite there being much less evidence than a guy tasing his balls to death. They believe it, they embrace it, they froth over it, they commit murder, they try to overthrow the government, they even die for it. We dont actually believe Taserballs tased his balls, because there is no evidence. They believe Donny Crappleseed won the election, despite there being definitive evidence that he fucking LOST.
Trumplicans terrorized the nation for years, and Greeson, a former Obama supporter who was radicalized by Danger Yam, epitomized the worst of them. Despite his wife saying he wasnt armed, he loved to pose for pictures with his guns. More damning is what he wrote on the fascist social media website Parler: Lets take this fucking country BACK! Load your guns and take to the streets! and Lets give them A war! and Im bringing MY GUNS! He also wrote Hell yes
Proud Boys!!!! (a neo-Nazi group) and Maybe Nancy Pelosi will get it and die!
But Taserballs was the one who died. And yet, the name Taserballs will live on in infamy.