Steve Schmidt: A picture is worth a thousand words and $1 trillion

David Shipley is the editorial page editor at the corrupted newspaper. He justified the killing of this cartoon with this self-serving lie:
I respect Ann Telnaes and all she has given to The Post. But I must disagree with her interpretation of events. Not every editorial judgment is a reflection of a malign force.
My decision was guided by the fact that we had just published a column on the same topic as the cartoon and had already scheduled another column this one a satire for publication.
It isnt true.
The cartoon was killed by fear and cowardice. It is going to get much worse because of the fecklessness of men like Bezos, Zuckerberg, Soon-Shiong, Shipley, Iger, Scarborough, and many more.
A righteous rant by Steve Schmidt! Please read the rest on "The Warning with Steve Schmidt."

(3,044 posts)which is a curse of the rich and arrogant
Kid Berwyn
(19,450 posts)Certainly put it on Donald the GOPig.
(994 posts)If he is a member, I hope the bad doc gets kicked out of the AMA.
(36,829 posts)This is just a rough draft we're looking at here. I have a feeling that the finished cartoon would have had Elmo in it.
(41,553 posts)"Not every editorial judgment is a reflection of a malign force."
Becomes the much more concise:
"This particular editorial judgment is a reflection of a malign force."
Hope that helps.
(24,954 posts)there is already a curse on all of them, placed there by Jesus, in that they trying to get into Heaven is harder than a camel going through the eye of a needle. Bitter words indeed.
23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
(3,176 posts)It would just be "taking care of their souls" Poor babies
(1,240 posts)The Washington Post was one of the ring leaders of the pro repug media's war against Al Gore in 2000. This latest censoring of the truth by the Washington Post is just the latest example of their long held pro repug bias.
(37,137 posts)Hekate
(96,599 posts)
(489 posts)Jakes Progress
(11,208 posts)How sad to be so without honor or character.
Was Shipley ordered by even higher ups or did he cave before he was chastised? Neither shows him to be much of a decent person.
(16,373 posts)
Kissy Klssy, Kiss the ring, Shipley.

(12,997 posts)mustachioed, monocle-wearing plutocrats, wearing silk top hats and tails, and surrounded by bags of money to represent these scumbags. Now cartoonists can use bald, skinny nerds like Bezos as models.
(25,577 posts)deepblue
(45 posts)Schmidt and the other never-trumpers do not represent a meaningful number of voters, which the last election proved beyond any doubt. Schmidt and the other never-trumpers are responsible for creating the environment which grew Trump: Schmidt and the other never-trumpers have spent their careers enabling authoritarian, racist impulses, in addition to continually insulting members of the Democratic Party. Schmidt and the other never-trumpers despise Democrats, they are simply making noise about Trump now because they were cast out.
This cartoon has been written about and retweeted by many liberal bloggers and participants in bluesky, X, and mastodon. Why would you use Schmidt? Schmidt's a bad dude. Are you following his crap? What's the idea? Why do you like him so much?
(36,829 posts)He quit the Repuke Party in 2018.
Another German burning his uniform. 2020 is a little late to supposedly see the light, you know, considering his efforts to help the Republicans and Bush gin up the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Schmidt, having hurt society for decades, should not be given a platform and money by Democrats, when so many Democrats who fought against Schmidt's efforts over the decades get nothing. In other words, he is disqualified from developing our policy and given any public prominence among us. If Schmidt did, does, or will vote for Democrats, I welcome his vote. I give him no more than that. Which is proper.
(2,730 posts)union rep
(31 posts)Steve is not the problem, lack of commitment it seems to me is the issue. The last time I looked the stance that Steve took has not wavered. Lets kick the shit out of Steve bad idea. This country historically is a fucking train wreck. No we pull ourselves up by our collective bootstraps and get on with the struggle. U.S. used to be the best form of slavery on earth, the fix has been in for a long, long time. These times are past times looked upon as the good old days. Yea right. No were fucked until the powers to be the billionaires say lets unfuck this thing. Simple. Meanwhile well get our usual fix of editorials of how to fix the problems we face. To quote a great American Stanley Mouse "Twas Ever Thus" Amen
Response to union rep (Reply #20)
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