Bill Maher Rails Against Woke Left 'Crazies' Within the Democratic Party

Bill Maher at The Improv in Hollywood in the early 1980s.(From Bill Maher)
When asked why he mocks the left more than he used to, he responded, Youre damn right I do, because you give me more material. Im a comedian. Im going to go where the gold is."
In Mahers final statement of the interview, as if he were addressing Vice President Kamala Harris herself, he stated, You lost a crazy contest to an actual crazy person. Congratulations.
This Ivy League elitist had more breaks than 90% of the US population. Maher's HBO salary is $10 million per year and his net worth is reputed at $140 million. Our pains are his gains. Of course Maher said in the interview that the country doesn't need a revolution, but a "colonic."
That 'colonic' should start with him, Joe Rogan, and other TV and Podcast pill-pushing elitists who keep Americans distracted and divided, keeping the status quo and their fortunes safe and secure for their families. If Bill Maher has children, bet on it they will enjoy an Ivy League education without being burdened by massive school loans.


(29,690 posts)He hates us and wishes nothing but ill fortune for us; it's been that way for years. The last thing any of us should be doing is contributing to his ratings.
(3,015 posts)
(108,317 posts)Uggh.
(5,392 posts)Paladin
(29,690 posts)Nicely put. Hope that sentiment finds its way back to Maher himself.
(15,317 posts)PlanetBev
(4,283 posts)For me, his shelf-life expired sometime ago, as has HBO.
(3,015 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)This is for you, Bill Maher, special delivery from us "woke left crazies" in the Democratic Party:
(699 posts)Scrivener7
(54,505 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)any white guy.
(3,015 posts)
(12,448 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)As the Bard of Avon would say to Bill Maher: "Begone, thou crusty spur-galled ingested-lump!"
(57,596 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)mwmisses4289
(658 posts)Tried watching him once. That less than five minutes once was enough. Never could figure out why he was considered funny, he seemed incredibly stupid to me.
(3,015 posts)valleyrogue
(1,826 posts)It is almost negligible. Rogan has a lot bigger platform and audience of mostly frustrated white males.
(3,015 posts)Skittles
(162,394 posts)FUCK HIM

(1,826 posts)Few people watch his show, which you have to pay to see, and if a person is unlucky to come across him, would be horrified by what an arrogant POS he is.
(69,306 posts)They used to advocate for progressive causes. Then they found out that right-wing propaganda outlets pay bigger bucks, and that was the ballgame.
I hope Maher pulls the same disappearing act Miller did
(36,829 posts)The last I heard, he's gone full libertarian. I watch his show maybe once every couple of years, but lately I find I can no longer sit through a full hour of him. Just as you say, the national colonic should start with him.
(3,015 posts)If you look carefully FakeNoose, you may see him in the below illustration.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(3,015 posts)
(199 posts)years ago, especially since he started crying the blues about an imaginary woke society, along with attacking the Covid shutdown, amongst other things.
Bill is turning into an old cantankerous Maga whiteman, who yells at everybody who walks by his house to get off his lawn, even those who are across the street.
(3,015 posts)USAFRetired_Liberal
(4,363 posts)I just read the article, and it seems Maher is either being disingenuous or completely off base. For the past 40 years, Republicans have systematically built a media echo chamber. It started with Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing hate radio personalities like his close ally Ann Coulter, followed by platforms like Drudge Report and Fox News, and now extends to Elon Musks Twitter and other social media platformsall aimed at demonizing Democrats and fostering hatred against anyone associated with the party.
This effort has been reinforced by Republican politicians, beginning with Newt Gingrich and now Trump, who have refused to compromise on anything. Meanwhile, Democrats have largely treated Republicans as good friends on the other side. Has Maher even looked at MAGA voters and the far-right extremists who despise anyone with a D next to their name and constantly bash Democrats? And yet, somehow, its the Democrats and the so-called woke left who are painted as the uncordial ones.
(3,015 posts)You encapsulated that well. I didn't know much about Bill Maher but I knew he was out there with a TV show (my wife and I don't watch TV). From what I learned about him these past 24 hours is that he was either always a shill for the rightwing or he became one over the years for the lucre, pretending to be on the side of the masses like a "Judas goat."
This OP was unnecessary on my part because most of the DU community was already aware of Maher's mens rea, but I learned a lot from the responses.
Maybe we can all get lucky and this will befall Mr. Huckle-Yuckle-Chuckle:
(50,568 posts)on his panel. It seemed to me that it wasn't for entertainment or challenging the "politically correct" meme. He seemed to really enjoy their company and viewpoints.
Plus ça change, plus cest la même chose.
(3,015 posts)Hi no_hypocrisy
You seem aware of Bill Maher's persona or shtick. Did he change from liberal to conservative or was he always conservative inside? Some DU'ers assess he degenerated into a MAGAt for the pelf.
I have never watched his show (my wife and I stopped watching TV years ago), but I have now read a lot about Bill Maher. His humor or comments do not come from a good place so my assessment of him is that he is an elitist Ivy League snob making fun of the less fortunate or darker than him. He had more breaks than 95% of the US population. That he made fun of Kamala Harris and our loss last year inspired me to post his stupidity.
Therefore I shall allow the immortal Fritz Weaver (playing the Chancellor in that classic episode) to take charge:
Mr. Maher,
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Always has been.
(3,015 posts)One of the takeaways for me is that individuals like Bill Maher and podcaster Joe Rogan have made fortunes in the US as humorous opinion makers/leaders, but they do not operate in the best interest of the American people. Many DU-ers already knew about Bill Maher, but my wife and I didn't as we don't watch TV.
In essence, Bill Maher's and Joe Rogan's broadcasts are a distraction from the realities of poverty and social injustice, and so they are perfect communications weapons for the entrenched status quo (the 'Alphas,' oligarchs, GOP) and hence their lucrative contracts. They are today's "soma."