Mary Trump - Irony Dies--Again
CBS recently reported on a decade-long initiative in Finland to educate student in media literacy. This is not a separate course but, rather part of the national core curriculum starting in preschool.
Leo Pekkala, the director of Finlands National Audiovisual Institute, explains that, No matter what the teacher is teaching, whether its physical education or mathematics or language, you have to think, OK, how do I include these elements in my work with children and young people?
The goal is to teach students how to avoid scams, identify false information, and debunk propagandato learn, that is, how to separate fact from fiction. What, for example, is the difference between ads and stories, between poems and publicity?
Li Andersson, former education minister, said, I think it should be seen as a civic skill in the current society that we live in, because we all live in an information society nowadays, or its called an information society; but, actually some of the information is mis- or disinformation.