Related: About this forumYou asked for it! The Democratic Primaries forum opens TODAY!
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
There are only 348 days left until the Iowa Caucuses! Which means it's well past time for the official Democratic Presidential primary season to begin here on DU. As usual, we will require that all discussions about the Democratic presidential primary take place in a dedicated Democratic Primaries forum. But this year we are making a few changes that will hopefully improve the experience for everyone. Check it out....
Discussion of the 2020 Democratic Presidential primaries is only permitted in the Democratic Primaries forum, and in the dedicated candidate supporter groups. These discussions are not permitted in Latest Breaking News, Editorials & Other Articles, Video & Multimedia, General Discussion, The DU Lounge, or anywhere else. In certain forums you will be prompted with an interrupt page directing you to post your Democratic primary discussions in the Democratic Primaries forum.
In order to post in the Democratic Primaries forum, you must select your preferred candidate. (If you are undecided, don't worry -- "Undecided" is one of the options.) Your selection is logged by our software, and then presented on your Profile page, and in place of your signature line when posting in the Democratic Primaries forum. Currently you may select from the following: Undecided, Biden, Booker, Brown, Buttigieg, Castro, Delaney, Gabbard, Gillibrand, Harris, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Sanders, Warren, and Yang. We can easily add additional candidates later if necessary, and candidates will be removed when they drop out of the race or officially declare that they're not running. You can change your candidate preference at any time.
Keeping track of members' candidate preferences has the following benefits: 1) When someone posts about the primaries, their stated candidate preference will provide useful context to their post. 2) We can tally the number of people who have indicated a preference for each candidate to get a general idea of how much support they enjoy on DU. 3) We will use stated candidate support as a means to grant access to dedicated candidate supporter groups. 4) We can potentially use candidate preferences to balance the partisan makeup of juries that are called to judge alerted posts, if we deem it necessary. 5) We can use candidate preferences to display or hide posts from candidate supporter groups on the Latest Page or elsewhere.
Members' regular signature lines and avatar images do not appear when posting in the Democratic Primaries forum. Instead, only the special candidate preference signature line appears.
Remember, if you don't want to see posts from the Democratic Primaries forum, you can trash it. Just click the "Trash this forum" button at the top of the forum.
+ The Democratic Primaries forum is here.
+ "If I were to vote in a presidential primary today, I would vote for..." Set your candidate preference here.
+ View current candidate rankings here.
We have added new Democratic primary candidate avatar images to our collection of available avatars. For officially declared candidates there are two avatars, a photo and a logo (potential candidates just have a photo). Currently we provide avatars for the following candidates: Biden, Booker, Brown, Buttigieg, Castro, Delaney, Gabbard, Gillibrand, Harris, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Sanders, Warren, Yang. We can easily add additional candidates later if necessary.
To change your avatar image, click the "My Profile" link at the top of any page (or just click here) Click the "Edit" link next to "Avatar image." Candidate photos are available under the "Politicians" section; candidate logos are available under the "Logos" section.
Sometime tomorrow, we will close down the existing candidate supporter groups. Within a few weeks we will open new candidate supporter groups, incorporating some changes which we will announce later.
In case there is any question, let me be very clear: DU rules apply to the entire discussion forum, including the new Democratic Primaries forum and candidate supporter groups. If you haven't read them in a while, RIGHT NOW would be a good time to go refresh your memory. They are good rules, they make DU better, and we intend to keep on enforcing them. You can read the rules on our Terms of Service page.
To preemptively respond to the inevitable complaints: The rules make clear that constructive criticism of Democrats is always welcome on DU. But if you are incapable of presenting your criticism in a thoughtful, substantive way and end up losing your ability to post, that is YOUR PROBLEM not mine.
All too often in the past Democratic Primary season on DU was a cesspool of toxic partisan ugliness, and I am much too jaded and cynical to promise you that this time will be any different. But I do believe that it is possible (maybe?) for primary season on Democratic Underground to be better than it has been in the past. If you post with the attitude that all of our candidates are good enough, and they're all far superior to Donald Trump, then you should be fine. But if post with the attitude that any Democratic candidate is The Enemy who must be destroyed by any means necessary, then you are going to cause problems for DU and for yourself.
May the best candidate win.
BTW, if you encounter any bugs or problems with the software please post them in this thread. Thanks.
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
DU Admins

(6,759 posts)I like that. They must be a member of the Democratic Party or they don't get my support.
(5,825 posts)DownriverDem
(6,759 posts)I'm getting beat up pretty bad by folks who just don't get it. I don't want someone who joins the Democratic Party just so they can run and then quits when they lose.
(29,423 posts)He's been an Independent in Vermont for a long time he never lost as a Democrat because he was an Independent. Rather than pull a Ralph Nader he runs under the Democratic nomination for President he went back as an Independent for his constituents who he has represented as an Independent for a very long time.
His voting record is among the most liberal in the Senate and he caucasus with Democrats. Joe Manchin is a registered Democrat who votes in line with the Republican party while Sanders consistently backs liberal policies.
(11,248 posts)Don't forget all the "DINO"s RUNNING AROUND OUT THERE.................
Trump is still providing his daily smoke screen for the Republican Senate to continue to shove thru stuff right and left. The predominately Republican owned mainstream Media gives little press to the daily corruption of our Democracy being done by the Republican Senators! Here is just todays sneaky crap, that has been going on continuously for years, while they are using Trumps daily antics to divert attention from all they are doing
Trump would not exist for a minute if it werent for the Republicans in congress totally enabling him so they can pull this crap off
.and yet no press is ever given to all the Republican congresss evil doings! If the Dems would just focus every day on talking about all of this crap being shoved thru instead of continually having their attention on Trump, maybe something would change!!!!!!
(35,357 posts)BOOM!
(13,807 posts)Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Just saying, the DNC needs votes in the US Senate...
What about "Pocahontas" Can you spell "Teflon Don?" aka [organized crime] and tweet online innuendo? Can you "'real'y tweet?" No revenge, just facts about obvious, documented, online and appointment to important positions (Attorney General appointments) in attempts to ...
question everything
(49,737 posts)I think that a governor is always the better choice.
(6,552 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)but as things stand this week, the Primaries group comes just in the nick of time.
(119,940 posts)Hope it's not too heated and people can be respectful.
(57,414 posts)But I have nothing against its being there.
(10,772 posts)...I'd have found a place to put that in myself. After the last few, it might be most appropriate (though I have some innocent hope that things will remain civil this time).
question everything
(49,737 posts)Actually I asked for a separate GD politics which would have been mostly Trump, and the regular GD for, say, the fires and hurricanes, etc.
(12,309 posts)

(43,203 posts)Old habits are hard to break.
(53,410 posts)I look forward to choosing to hang around during the primaries!
Love you guys!
(28,270 posts)Thanks mods!
(70,762 posts)PatrickforO
(15,177 posts)As to this post, I like what Skinner says about every single potential candidate being better than Trump. We just have to say NO to the circular firing squad gig...
Or the Sisyphus gig...
(4,431 posts)There's too much investment in bashing other candidates, and they just got their own pool to pee in. I will not be wading in there. Icky.
True Dough
(22,157 posts)I plan to be on my best behavior!
(92,496 posts)... GD be scrubbed of post that are toxic?
thx in advance
(38,086 posts)
(22,748 posts)And thanks for the option of trashing the forum if I don't feel like reading through those catfights until 2020.
As a Democratic district leader in my neck of the woods, I have more important things to work on in 2019, such as helping to consolidate and confirm the gains made in 2017 and 2018 among our candidates-now-legislators.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Bettie
(17,917 posts)Seriously, that will make GD WAY easier to read!
(4,401 posts)Its a primary for crying out loud..There will be personal favs that many
will be very passionate about..A few zingers, especially at berny, will add
spice to the proceedings....
(19,438 posts)

(4,401 posts)My bad....berny is an indy...

Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)Review Skinner's list of candidate options.
(148,591 posts)

Awsi Dooger
(14,565 posts)Seems earlier than past cycles but that is warranted this time, given the person in office
(14,395 posts)I do wonder if there will be any leeway on other forums for a mention of the primaries or who is running etc...Because I think it will be damn difficult to even discuss topics without a slip once in awhile about "this candidate supports that...." or "That's why I can't support this candidate" etc... I'm just not sure how this is going to work but I'm game to try.
Without a doubt any of our candidates would be miles ahead of any Republican, even if Trump is gone and its another R. Personally, I think two or more can have a robust discussion and disagreement about a candidate, even if one of them takes it worse than the other. Sometimes I think this leads to the one feeling put upon to alert the other one. And sometimes they get enough members that share their point of view on the jury to quash the one they were debating. So hopefully this new forum will allow deeper debating.
(23,311 posts)
(79,913 posts)Like I'm going in there.
(24,259 posts)While it's nice to hope it will be better this time, I'm not holding my breath.
C Moon
(12,736 posts)True Dough
(22,157 posts)I'm glad LBN and GD won't be cluttered with bickering over primary candidates. We can wade into that designated "mosh pit" if we feel like dancing.
(6,552 posts)After a while, it would give a good look to how many people regularly post here. That's something I've always wondered.
(43,142 posts)With the idea that they will gradually sink as folks migrate to the new forum?
And I think your timing is wonderful--thanks, Guys!
(63,645 posts)GeorgeGist
(25,481 posts)Too early for me but enjoy.
(21,058 posts)Well done, way to go, blessings on you all.
I wish you the best possible success at identifying and neutralizing GRU trolls and bots, right up through November 3rd, 2020.
(65,716 posts)
(67,112 posts)

(14,663 posts)so important news items won't be buried or not even noticed.
.............. ............
(16,457 posts)safeinOhio
(35,071 posts)Blocked those threads and had an instant drop in pulse and BP.
(37,648 posts)Should be some spirited discussions. But hopefully about issues and content, and not ugly and mean and personal.
(43,626 posts)You get things done!
(21,058 posts)And he does caucus and mostly vote with us, so that's okay.
But will the "no trashing Democrats" rule also apply to him?
I don't care either way since I won't be entering those discussions, but it's probably as well to be explicit about that, especially for the benefit of those with a quick "alert" finger.
(63,645 posts)TygrBright
(21,058 posts)Just sayin'...
Of COURSE everyone thoroughly reads all the Terms of Service before hitting the "alert" button in the hat of the moment, but redundancy does help with comprehension.
Also, starting a FAQ sticky now might come in useful. Other issues that appear frequently can be settled there, although it may not happen at all that someone(s) will manage to come up with ways to rattle the cage. Highly unlikely, but again, never hurts to be prepared.
Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)so why wouldn't the rule apply to him, to?
If people don't like that he wasn't a Democrat between elections they can vote for another candidate. But trashing him is risky because he is still popular and could win the nomination.
It's easy enough to just post why you believe another candidate may be better positioned to beat Trump, or has views on issues that you prefer, without attacking any candidate running in the Democratic primary.
(108,317 posts)for Senatorial challenges--not to mention other down-ballot consequences. (e.g., if Hickenlooper announces for President, rather than running to challenge Corey Gardner for the Senate)
Obviously, each state's own primary will have a lot of cross-over issues.
(63,645 posts)But I reserve the right to change my mind if it is disruptive.
(26,791 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,978 posts)
Power 2 the People
(2,437 posts)Will definitely make us more unified when we need it the most.
Roadside Attraction
(238 posts)If we post to the Democratic Primary forum, are we permitted to criticize Bernie?
(34,195 posts)Do not post disrespectful nicknames, insults, or highly inflammatory attacks against any Democratic public figures. Do not post anything that could be construed as bashing, trashing, undermining, or depressing turnout for any Democratic general election candidate, and do not compare any Democratic general election candidate unfavorably to their general election opponent(s).
Why we have this rule: Our forum members support and admire a wide variety of Democratic politicians and public figures. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but our members don't expect to see Democrats viciously denigrated on this website. This rule also applies to Independents who align themselves with Democrats (eg: Bernie Sanders).
(57,414 posts)I think I can wait that long.
But if means the continuous barrage of "Bernie did this and Bernie did that" posts are now destined for that forum, I'm all for its being there ASAP.
(52,076 posts)

(72,174 posts)srsly.
i have watched you guys wrestle w this circus all these years. i have felt you pain at the behavior of the anonymous human animal.
i share your cynicism.
but you have done a pretty good job of it from the get go, and made it better in ways that are fair, democratic, and decent.
when shit didnt work, you werent afraid to ditch it. then you kept trying.
i think this is a great shot at a better world here.
many, many thanks.
i hope our cynicism will not be rewarded.
(56,125 posts)
Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)Your criticisms will help Trump and Putin. Don't write their campaign ads for them.
We should all limit our comments to why we think a particular candidate is the strongest or best, not run down the others.
None of us have a crystal ball. Someone who is not our preferred candidate may wind up as the nominee.
All of them are far better than Trump or any other Republican (should some maverick challenge Trump).
Our strength is in unity. Now is the time to set aside past differences from the last campaign and be grateful we have so many strong, impassioned candidates out there firing up voters.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)wiley
(2,921 posts)And deserve it if we are that stupid.
(18,437 posts)I like the idea of the "who I support" tag at the bottom of the posts in the Primaries forum.
Originally I was going to stay with "Undecided" but realized this could have a polling function so since I do have a preference among the names listed, I declared it. But after that preference I am undecided.
Now if you could figure out a ranked-choice logic for this ...
(23,152 posts)That'll unclutter a lot of the congestion out of the GD.
(24,047 posts)You guys ROCK
(1,345 posts)since that is the way various bad actors are messing with us.
Facebook too, though I don't see people posting from Facebook here very much.
(15,057 posts)klook
(13,062 posts)Well reasoned and a good plan. I appreciate your thoughtful analysis. Looking forward to the New Improved DU.
P.S. Will there also be a forum dedicated to fried chicken preparation?
(2,195 posts)Plenty of time for things to happen and research to be done. Earlier this month
while doing my taxes I realized that I would be doing them again for next year
Before the Iowa Caucuses.
(96,599 posts)IronLionZion
(47,997 posts)

(13,888 posts)
(3,181 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,349 posts)私たちにいい!よし!
(20,373 posts)
(26,791 posts)LAS14
(15,057 posts)It's getting annoying to have to scroll down every time I refresh the forum.
But thanks for the new organization. It makes lots of sense.
(63,645 posts)Maybe shift-refresh the page and see if it resets the layout.
(15,057 posts)to the pictures in the "signature" in Chrome, but they do in Edge.
(15,057 posts)...Chrome, running in Windows 10. Thanks for the prompt response.
(63,645 posts)I think you need to reload the stylesheet. Holding the shift key and clicking the refresh button on your browser should fix it.
(15,057 posts)wiley
(2,921 posts)Until thats an option Im not voting.
(14,458 posts)But I'm glad it's there, and I'm sure I'll miss some good posts and information. But based on the 2016 experience - I'll just wait outside.
(3,064 posts)I've trashed several threads with over 100, 200,even 300 replies. If I want to wade in on any others like them I'll know where they are.
(85,357 posts)I will keep this page open. Im good at a few things but technical stuff sometimes throws me.
Thanks for this, and for the ton of work, thought, attention, and care that clearly went into this.
Steven Maurer
(499 posts)I have a #1 choice but also handful of really close #2s that would be equally as good.
I was hoping there would be a way to indicate that.
(38,517 posts)I think there are some people here who would prefer to see that, rather than "undecided".
blue cat
(2,446 posts)Not on the list.
(63,645 posts)If so then we will add him to the list so you can select him as your preference.
(13,062 posts)Always good to know your candidate's name before jumping on the bandwagon!
(14,414 posts)

(18,437 posts)So there is a post in the Barack Obama group (the BOG) that they expect that group to be closed.
Is that true? If so, why? Obama is clearly not a candidate for 2020.
Also does that mean other individual Democrats' groups - e.g. Kerry, Gore, O'Malley - will be closed as well? I realize some of these aren't getting a ton of posts lately but still don't think they should be closed due to the 2020 primaries.
Other than that I think it is a good idea, for the 2020 candidates. I'm looking forward to the "changes" that the new groups will have.
Oh and you might want to add, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"
(63,645 posts)We might change the name to distinguish it from the candidate groups.
(18,437 posts)BooScout
(10,407 posts)?
question everything
(49,737 posts)She is still active and many of us go there to cheer her.
Also, the archives from the 2016 is a trove of information relevant to this cycle.
Thank you.
(90,317 posts)Cha
(308,406 posts)open, Skinner.. Thank You!
(24,534 posts)to keep the Hillary Clinton forum open, please.
(19,529 posts)and this solution helped.
(51 posts)I promise Skinner, EarlG, and Elad to go into this with an open mind and of course realize all are better than the current sitting duck.
(144 posts)is not "passed time" for the election process to begin. our presidential campaigns are already WAY too long. we need to shorten the entire process, so that our elected officials can do their jobs instead of campaigning for another office.
in many countries, campaigning is limited to several months, let the work that our elected officials do be their campaign until it is much closer to Iowa and the actual elections.
by shortening the campaigning season, it will also mean candidates will not need as much money, in essence potentially limiting the need to beg for contributions.
this would also stop people from being inundated with campaign commercials, mailings, postings, and all else that goes with campaigns that turn people into apathetic voters/nonvoters just wishing the process would be over and done with. after so long, people tune out the endless campaigning.
(63,645 posts)Obviously it's ridiculous that it's necessary to open the primaries forum a year before the Iowa Caucuses. But the primary campaign has already begun so DU needs a primaries forum.
(4,938 posts)apkhgp
(1,068 posts)We go into it making sure it is not undermined by the RNC, WIKILEAKS, The FBI, and the Russians. We can not survive another four years of another Right Wing idiot in OUR White House.
(29,423 posts)And skip the GDP part for like you said toxic behavior.
I have a top 4 at the moment Sanders, Warren, Harris, or Gillibrand.
I like the Sanders & also visit the Warren forum I hope it stays open until the new forums open up. I'm worried about changes to the candidate forums.
question everything
(49,737 posts)For example, if I find an interesting story about Peter Buttigieg, will it be OK to post on the Indiana Group?
(7,198 posts)I repeatedly asked for this in 2016 but DU never responded or set it up. Why? It was incredibly confusing because everything about the primary was in the general forum.
Now, it is set up more than a year out. Why?
Disappointed then. It's fine now but curious about the double standard.
(11,674 posts)Last edited Thu Mar 5, 2020, 10:47 PM - Edit history (1)
Here are a few examples in LBN that violate your rules, unless I'm missing something. If there are new rules, please post them so that we don't waste our time calling out violations (( PS: restricting Democratic Primaries posting to Democratic Primaries or candidate support groups seems like a wonderful wonderful rule )) Thank you.
The Latest: Sanders wins Democratic primary in California
Biden defeats Warren in her home state of Massachusetts
The Latest: Sanders wins Democratic primary in Utah
Biden defeats Sanders in Minnesota Super Tuesday race
The Latest: Biden wins Democratic primary in Arkansas
Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 5 states, Sanders takes 2