Related: About this forumDon't get blocked out of DU on election night (or after)
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
You may remember that we upgraded the Democratic Underground web servers back in December 2015. The purpose of that upgrade was so the site would be able to handle heavy traffic we expected for the 2016 presidential election season. Now that the election is almost over, we can see that the upgrade has been a success. Through a hard-fought primary season and a crazy general election season marked by huge spikes in traffic, the server has held strong and we have not experienced any downtime -- or any slowdown at all.
But election night is something else entirely. In the past we have experienced traffic spikes on election night that are well beyond anything we experience on any other days. Which is to say: We have done everything within reason to prepare, but we just don't have any way of knowing for sure whether it will be enough to handle the traffic. Because we have never before experienced election night on our new servers.
Don't get blocked out of DU on election night
If it turns out that we are unable to adequately handle the traffic on election night, we will do what we have in the past: We will systematically remove site functions in order to limit the strain on the servers. In the worst-case scenario we might have to completely restrict site access to registered members who are currently Star Members -- people who are not Star Members would not even be able to view the site.
If you want to ensure that you are able to access DU on election night, you can purchase a Star Membership. DU Star Memberships are "Pay-what-you-want" -- there is no minimum or maximum. Plus you will be able to access our website ad-free for a full year. Just click here:
If you are currently a Star Member, you can check the status of your membership by clicking the "My Account" link at the top of any page. Then click the tab that says "Star Membership."
Ensure your continued access to DU after the election is over
In case it hasn't been completely obvious to everyone here, I would like to make clear that since the extremely divisive Democratic Primary ended in June, the DU Administrators have been committed to making sure that Democratic Underground is a friendly community where politically liberal people can support Democrats. That commitment will continue after the election season is over. My greatest regret is that over the last eight years I allowed Democratic Underground to become a haven for people who treated Barack Obama and their fellow DU members with contempt. I don't intend to make that mistake again.
The price of admission to DU after this election is your vote for Hillary Clinton (or your support for her if you are not eligible to vote in the United States). If you are able to vote, but you can't bring yourself to vote for Hillary, then I'm not particularly interested in listening to your bullshit for the next four-to-eight years. I don't care if you live in the bluest of blue states or the reddest of red states, if you are looking for excuses to vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson or god forbid Donald Fucking Trump, then this isn't the place for you. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of other places on the Internet where you can get your Hillary-hate on, and some of them are even filled with former DU members.
So get out there and vote!
I'm looking forward to celebrating with all of you on Tuesday night! Go Hillary and Go Democrats!
DU Admin

(62,515 posts)I think it's clear the low hanging fruit of yesteryears were in fact not the draw of this site.
(2,139 posts)The real world out there is just too intolerable to endure. Who wants to live in that?
(62,515 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)I was tired of that during the primary, even though I voted for Bernie. We can't tear each other apart like that. We are stronger together!!
(24,010 posts)I'm sure she's dead wrong on certain issues.
Those issues will vary from one DUer to another.
We've had "discussions" about PBO, or BHO, or however he's abbreviated (which we can't agree on, either). I'll bet nobody will abbreviate Clinton as PHC.
(43,146 posts)And EarlG and Elad and all the people of DU who make this a great place to gather!
(10,587 posts)I had flashbacks to the primary days, when incoming mail was more likely than not an indicator of another blocked post.
It's nice to be back at 100%, serving on juries, etc...
(30,058 posts)discuss, I want it to go on for along time.
(7,040 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)"criticism from the left" has shown itself to be nothing but hateful bullshit. glad it is going into the du trashbin.
watching this place grow and evolve over the years has been such a pleasure.
here's to the guys-
(14,274 posts)Hekate
(96,610 posts)meow2u3
(25,080 posts)I'm already a star member, so I will have access to DU.
Fortunately, trolls won't.
(5,113 posts)zenabby
(364 posts)Also, are there any mobilizing/organizing after elections? I'd like to stay involved in policies and causes after, and I don't know how to do that. I am in California.
(58,785 posts)The 2018 midterm is right around the corner and is very much a continuation of this battle. Factors are stacked for the GOP to regain lost seats and even increase numbers, and both parties are already busy working to come out on top in 2018.
(5,239 posts)I have to be there at 6:00AM and don't expect to get out of there until after 10:00PM. So all of you have a great day and lots of fun chatting. I live in a rural, Republican area of Pennsylvania so when I do get home, the first thing on the agenda is a good hot shower just in case some of the crazy is contagious.
(22,871 posts)See you election night!
(148,663 posts)But this part -

(3,798 posts)So I'm good for tomorrow. I voted absentee this morning 🙂
(23,315 posts)election as a DU member. So grateful for this site .
(52,080 posts)No way.
(90,335 posts)For Hillary and every Dem on the ticket.
GOTV 2016~
Thanks Skinner!
(10,305 posts)Bernie Democrat that happily and enthusiastically voted for Clinton to include canvassing in the pouring is Washington.
Thank you for all your hard work here on DU it is very much appreciated.
(4,563 posts)And I could not be happier with that vote.
Thank you for all that you have done to keep DU a positive, inclusive and constructive place for members of the Democratic Party.
(7,694 posts)the screen keeps going back to PayPal...I do not have an account with them and I do not want one.
(26,366 posts)Laurian
(2,593 posts)Thank you for that strong statement about supporting Democrats. The JPR defectors shocked and saddened me, but I appreciate the clarity that ensued.
(82,383 posts)And support her for the next four/eight years so that Congress knows we have her back!!!!
(14,415 posts)
(36,594 posts)I'm going to vote for the first woman POTUS!
(15,109 posts)because Hillary is going to have a complete shit short of bullshit thrown at her.
No one is above any criticism, but I really would like to this to be one place where she gets the kind of support she will need!
(28,394 posts)Sounds great! Many thanks!
(48,730 posts)But thanks for the heads-up!
(2,454 posts)I have been a part of DU since 2004. I have been remiss in my contributions lately but I feel that you provide an invaluable service to progressive democrats. Glad to give back a little to this community and the people who provide it.
(8,203 posts)May I - from text above...
The price of admission to DU after this election is your vote for Hillary Clinton (or your support for her if you are not eligible to vote in the United States). If you are able to vote, but you can't bring yourself to vote for Hillary, then I'm not particularly interested in listening to your bullshit for the next four-to-eight years. I don't care if you live in the bluest of blue states or the reddest of red states, if you are looking for excuses to vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson or god forbid Donald Fucking Trump, then this isn't the place for you. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of other places on the Internet where you can get your Hillary-hate on, and some of them are even filled with former DU members -
The new rules have made a world of difference....
I now have a star...yea!!!
(5,043 posts)I joined in 2003 and read far more than I post, but I enjoy the discussions so I'm so glad we were able to right the ship and come together.
(1,090 posts)Lapsed star member here - just re-upped because DU is one of the few places I definitely want to access Tuesday night!
I'll be happily & proudly voting for Hillary in Virginia tomorrow - primaries were over months ago & I've fully supported Hillary since then.
Looking forward to celebrating with like-minded folks tomorrow night and beyond.
(96,610 posts)
(8,514 posts)I have been full on board for Hillary from the day she declared her candidacy and no longer have tolerance for anyone who isn't (including my husband). This is too important. I have no tolerance for apathy and no tolerance for ignorance. I just want to scream at people that they MUST educate themselves and they MUST VOTE.
I'm going to be doing some volunteer work with my local office tomorrow and then I'll be here to celebrate with you.
Response to Skinner (Original post)
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Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)Organized Internet trolling is a real thing and I'm glad you are finally going to meet it head on.
(9,805 posts)Can't justify "freeloading" on my favorite site anymore.
No early voting here in PA plus I have to work all day, so I can't vote til about 5:00. At this point I'll walk 10 miles in the snow to vote!
Just like 2012 I'll be parked in front on the TV tomorrow night, phone in hand following DU.
Progressive dog
(7,428 posts)riversedge
(74,471 posts)Hokie
(4,347 posts)You guys run the best forum in the business. I laugh every time I go to FR and see what their idea of a forum is.
(18,470 posts)I voted Mrs. Clinton and want everyone else to.
And fuck Donald Trump.
(24,743 posts)So here's a picture of a Boston Terrier puppy with a floppy ear.
(122,596 posts)riverbendviewgal
(4,339 posts)And the Democratic party. And DU.
(7,466 posts)Yonnie3
(18,441 posts)You post brings to mind what I read when I was called to jury duty as a very new poster.
This was a stark contrast to what was being deemed acceptable during the primaries. I try to keep this phrase in mind whenever I'm on DU.
Response to Skinner (Original post)
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Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)No administration is ever 100% in agreement with their supporters. But discussions can be had without denigrating our our party leaders and insulting other DU members.
Straight Democratic ticket as always.
And I did it individually as it feels so good doing it (and there was no line at the time, so I was not making anyone wait).
(229 posts)and for HRC! As I have for years, I will be here election night (and after).
If we win it's not the end, it is only the beginning. Voting Rights, Citizens United (repeal), Fair Pay & Living Wage will not happen easily. We must all be ready to support a progressive agenda. I'm ready and I know you all are too.
(122,596 posts)and cheering as we see HRC win!!)
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Will vote tomorrow. And toast HRC and you all later.
(26,332 posts)Don't go to a sushi bar if you want to order a pizza.
(279 posts)it was IMPOSSIBLE to log on to this place lol
(28,876 posts)She will make mistakes as President, and I would like to be able to voice my disapproval and suggestions for policies that I might prefer (without bashing her). I anticipate that most of her actions will be great, but not all will be.
I am fortunate to be surrounded by liberals in my everyday life, so I don't come here for solace, I come here to discuss politics with fellow political junkies.
If even-handed discussion of the Clinton administration won't be encouraged here, then it may be time to seek out another, less polarized site (if one still exists).
It's your site, and clearly you can run it how you want, but I'd just like some clarification before I invest.
Thank you.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)To take one specific example: When the Bush tax cuts were expiring, Obama cut a deal with the Republicans. Obviously, neither side got all it wanted, which was inevitable. My opinion, however, was that Obama had a very strong bargaining position; his batna (best alternative to negotiated agreement) was that all the cuts would expire, which was a lot closer to what he wanted than to what they wanted. I thought he should have exploited that to get a better deal. The final compromise allowed too much of the inequality-increasing tax cuts to become permanent.
Skinner's announcement is that no one will be permitted to express "contempt" for what Hillary Clinton does in office. By my lights, the preceding paragraph expresses criticism of Obama but not contempt. Some DUers, however, would disagree. Clarification on this point would help cut down on the number of inappropriate posts and/or inappropriate alerts.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)I was a Bernie fan, still am, but this is a five star emergency!!! Everybody in!
(1,538 posts)I'll donate more after paying for the root canal and crown. DU is such a better place the last few months
(43,203 posts)I personally don't expect any problems.
(51,308 posts)I'm tired of seeing those posts about, "Oh I'm voting for whoever because it won't make any difference."
Thank you!
Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)Consider giving MIRT a little more authority to send trolls back where they came from.
Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)then I'm not particularly interested in listening to your bullshit for the next four-to-eight years."
(220 posts)This site has been a god-send for me.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)factories
(47,755 posts)" My greatest regret is that over the last eight years I allowed Democratic Underground to become a haven for people who treated Barack Obama and their fellow DU members with contempt. I don't intend to make that mistake again. "
When I was a mod, I hated allowing the "Obama = Bush" and "Obama is worse than Bush" posts stand. I am so glad those days are over.
(8,254 posts)marlakay
(12,269 posts)Going to the movies tomorrow night and staying offline to stay sane.
Have fun!
(122,596 posts)claws!!
(20,874 posts)that will, without a doubt, give its whopping three electoral votes to Drumpf (and then proceed to bitch about the effects of republican policies all the while blaming Dems for those republican policies). But I still can't wait to fill in that bubble for HRC and I hope the smarter states will cancel out the dumbass ones like my own.
That being said, in order to prevent a heart attack, I think I'm gonna just go into a coma tomorrow night and wake up Wednesday to the reckoning. I honestly don't think I can handle the suspense if it's close.
(135,425 posts)Everyone--listen to this music while reading aloud, in your best James Earl Jones voice, that superb paragraph above about the price of admission!!!
So happy to have OUR DU back!!!!
Donald Ian Rankin
(13,598 posts)You don't list him among your "don't vote fors". I don't live in Utah, but if I did, I'd be seriously considering voting for him as the option most likely to result in a Clinton presidency, and obviously I'd rather not get banned for saying that.
(159,706 posts)Demsrule86
(71,046 posts)She has got this.
Response to Skinner (Original post)
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(894 posts)Voted for her.
Got my early ballot in last week.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)Thank you, Skinner.
(1,254 posts)

(15,676 posts)May tomorrow night be a new beginning. May she win with such might that the naysayers and the obstructionists will be certain that they have lost.
Go, Hillary!!
Go, Democrats!!!
Turn Texas BLUE!!!
Response to Skinner (Original post)
NightWatcher This message was self-deleted by its author.
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Response to Skinner (Original post)
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red dog 1
(30,380 posts)As a "radio freak".I hope to God that, after tomorrow, I won't have to hear Donald Fucking Trump's hate-filled, nasal voice every day.
God Bless Hillary Clinton!
(28,705 posts)We've come a long way, baby!
A long way from those very long dark days of Bush*, Cheney, and their assorted demented collaborators.
President Obama's tenure flew by way too fast. Oh, how I'll miss his sanity, grace and humor. Plus, I have a secret crush on the beautiful smiling Irish eyes of Joe Biden.
Our tenacious future president, Hillary Clinton, will do us proud. When the Republicans start up their witch hunts, it's reassuring to know the DU community will have her back.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for providing a proactive discussion board.
Hugs to you, Earl, and elad.
I'm with Her!
(1,222 posts)N/t 😀
Bill USA
(6,436 posts)Hekate
(96,610 posts)...old browser. Never fear; I have 43 days to figure that out, and if all else fails you'll get a check in the mail, which is how I did it in 2002!
Thanks, Skinner! Loveya!
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)SidDithers
(44,327 posts)It's good to hear you say those things.
Thank you.
sabbat hunter
(6,943 posts)but you guys use PayPal and I cannot use PayPal.
(57,293 posts)
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)With my employment situation any extra change is necessary just to get by. The company that let me go in September has Trumped me on the severance payment that I was promised on October 30th.
Can't or won't tell me why.
So paying the bills until that or a new job comes in are dicy.
I trust you all will keep thing going and I will see you all on the flip side.
Don't worry, I will be right in the middle of things and unable to do any DU on election day anyway. I am a poll observer.
I urge anyone who can to put in some time tomorrow and help GOTV.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)anneboleyn
(5,611 posts)still_one
(98,036 posts)Blanks
(4,835 posts)AmericanActivist
(1,019 posts)DU
(76 posts)I'm in
(11,084 posts)and who have since grown to support Hillary (and voted for her) but are still locked out ie: status still "flagged for review"?
Are they locked out permanently?
(18,368 posts)never to return.
For awhile there, those of us who supported either Obama or Hillary, or were proud Democrats, were subject to every kind of abuse and insult. Thank you for declaring that those days are over.
Long live the Democratic Party - Long live Democratic Underground!
(53,544 posts)samplegirl
(12,664 posts)Years ago! When you didn't need jury's to decide things! We have had enough years of dividing! Democratic Underground should be a safe haven where Democrats unite!!!
(2,916 posts)I've gotten free stars before and I figured I've gotten at least 12 years of enjoyment from this site, lurking for a while and then making an account for the 2008 election... that's definitely worth kicking in a few bucks, even though I've had a bit of a money struggle lately.
Also, I'd be going crazy if I was locked out today of all days. I need the support system, even if I'm not a well-known regular poster. 😝
(43,357 posts)私はヒラリークリントンに投票しています。米国の新大統領を楽しみにしています。さようなら良いのためのドナルド・トランプに。 ヒラリーのために戦います!最善を尽くします!
(translation available at google translate for REPUBLICAN TROLLS) or...for the curious!
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)If she does something I believe I wrong, I will say so. No hate intended, but the last thing we need are more Blue Dogs like Ben Nelson and more DINOs like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman.
I am a liberal before a Democrat, but I am a member of the Democratic Party. I have healed my upset nature over the primary and want this country, and this website, to heal. But, again, I will support her when she does something I believe in (like sign a law outlawing for profit prisons) and I will criticize if she does something I don't agree with (like not signing a law outlawing for profit prisons).
Mike Niendorff
(3,588 posts)Thank you, once again, for all the work you and the DU team have done to provide this exceptional resource to the progressive community for so many years.
(36,174 posts)I'm not alone where I am, either. I saw a poll of different countries and around 89% of us in Australia think trump is a complete moron unsuitable for the job. I can't remember the percentage who think Hillary would do a good job, but it was pretty high; far higher than any poll in the US.
One of my friends has family who moved to the US a few years back. They're in North Carolina and he told me all 4 of them have voted for Hillary already. I've heard a lot about demographics this election so it's a shame there's not millions of expat Aussies there (wait, that's mean no-one would be left here) as trump would be buried in a landslide of votes from a people who see trump as the ultimate Ugly American.
I'm hopefully optimistic that common sense will prevail in the US today and that you guys are celebrating Hillary winning when I pop in tomorrow night
raven mad
(4,940 posts)My father-in-law had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. This old white Navy veteran of WWII...........
He voted for Obama. I had to help him with his walker.
Super giggles? On the way out of the polls, someone cranked up some rock music. And my-dad-in-love KNEW the song and we giggled around his wheelchair (Dude could SWING it!)
Think I won't vote? Haven't missed one - not ONE - since 1972, city, borough, state or Federal - oh, ! 1972 was my "eligible" year.